Circular And Orders

Title/SubjectOrder/Circular/Memo No.Date of Issue
Establishing and strengthening check-points to ensure the effective implementation of Official language acts and rules made there under at ICFRE-FRI, Dehradun. (uploaded on 21.01.2025)
No. 14011/5/2022/Rajbhasha Policy Orders17-01-2025
Regarding police verification of residence (outhouse) residents in FRI campus. (uploaded on 16.01.2025)
No. 2-14/Watch and ward/201015-01-2025
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान,न्यू फॉरेस्ट, देहरादून में वर्ष 2025 हेतु सरकारी आवास आवंटन के लिए प्रतीक्षा सूची तैयार करने के संबंध में । (uploaded on 30.12.2024)
FRI, Dehradun will remain closed for all visitors on 21.12.2024. (uploaded on 18.12.2024)
No. 6-33/2021-Misc/140618-12-2024
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान सम विश्वविद्यालय की खेलकूद प्रतियोगिताओं दिनांक 04/03/2025 से 07/03/2025 तक के संबंध में सूचना । (uploaded on 09.12.2024)
No. 3050/3-8/2024 FRIDU .28-11-2024
Regarding police verification of residence (outhouse) residents in FRI campus. (uploaded on 22.11.2024)
No. 2-14/watch and ward/201021-11-2024
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान, न्यू फॉरेस्ट देहरादून में वर्ष 2025 हेतु सरकारी आवास आवंटन के लिए प्रतीक्षा सूची तैयार करने के संबंध में । (uploaded on 19.11.2024)
No. 4/37/2025-building/24418-11-2024
Instruction and Precautions for visitors, residents and students living in the FRI premises regarding movement of leopard. (uploaded on 14.11.2024)
No. Dis-1/watch and ward/2007/49913-11-2024
List of Holidays for the year-2025. (uploaded on 07.10.2024)
No. 4-1/2010-Misc. /121106-11-2024
Vigilance Awareness Week scheduled program at FRI Dehradun from 28 October, 2024 to 03 November, 2024 (uploaded on 17.10.2024)
No. 31011/2/2024-Vigilance 14-10-2024
Official order regarding "Internal Complaint Committee" for redressal of complaints related to Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace. (uploaded on 03.10.2024)
No. 7-32/2004-विविध /106103/10/24
स्वच्छता ही सेवा-2024 अभियान के अंतर्गत विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओं के परिणाम के संबंध में । (uploaded on 01.10.2024)
तेंदुए की बड़ती गतिविधियों को देख वन अनुसंधान संस्थान परिसर को सभी आगंतुकों के लिए दिनांक 02-10-2024 से 06-10-2024 तक बंद किया जाता है।  (uploaded on 01.10.2024)
No. Dis-1/watch and ward/200701/10/24
Instruction and Precautions for residents living in the FRI premises regarding movement of leopard. (uploaded on 30.09.2024)
No. Dis-1/watch and ward/200730/09/24
Order regarding Transfer of employees. (uploaded on 20.09.2024)
No. 21/5/2018-Ests-220/09/24
Instruction and Precautions for residents living in the FRI premises regarding movement of leopard. (uploaded on 20.09.2024)
No. Dis-1/watch and ward/200720/09/24
Office order regarding promotion of Sh. Ganesh Ram Assistant, ICFRE-FRIDU. (uploaded on 11.09.2024)
No. 32-54/2021-ICFRE03/09/24
हिन्दी पखवाड़ा- 2024 का कार्यक्रम। (uploaded on 09.09.2024)
Circular regarding panel of LDC/UDC /Assistants to work as cashier in accounts section (admin.) and account section (project), FRI. (uploaded on 05.08.2024)
No. 1/8/2010-Ests-II04-09-2024
संस्थान परिसर में आवारा कुत्तों को खाना देने के संबंध में । (uploaded on 16.08.2024)
No. 6-10/ प.एव.नि.अनु /2020/45812-08-2024
Independence Day Program of ICFRE-Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. (uploaded on 13.08.2024)
No. 9/12/2023-प्रचार/28408-08-2024
Office Order- Dr. D.P Khali, Scientist-G, will hold the position of Head, Forest Product Division, FRI, Dehradun. (uploaded on 13.08.2024)
No. 46011/27/2018/Estt-102-08-2024
Office order regarding Resignation of Sh. Rinku Kumar, Library Information Assistant, ICFRE-FRI. (uploaded on 13.08.2024)
No. 13/1/2021-Ests-II09-08-2024
Office order regarding promotion of Smt. Sushma to the post of UDC, ICFRE-FRI. (uploaded on 13.08.2024)
No.A 32016/1-27/2017/Estt-0229-07-2024
Office order regarding promotion of Employees, ICFRE-FRI. (uploaded on 13.08.2024)
No.A 32016/1-27/2017/Estt-0229-07-2024
Office order regarding retirement of Employees, ICFRE-FRI.. (uploaded on 13.08.2024)
No. A 38011/04/2006/Estt-0331-07-2024
Termination order-regarding the selection of Shri. Mohammad Yamin Tak, for the post of Forest Guard . (uploaded on 07.08.2024)
No. 9/12/2023-Ests-II02-08-2024
Circular regarding panel of LDC/UDC /Assistant to work as cashier in accounts section (admin.), FRI. (uploaded on 07.08.2024)
No. 1/8/2010-Ests-II02-08-2024
Office order regarding promotion of Smt. Geeta Pasbola, Senior Storekeeper to post of Head Storekeeper, FRI, Dehradun. (uploaded on 07.08.2024)
No. 11/01/2021-Ests-II01-08-2024
Office order regarding retirement of Smt. Meena Sharma, (MTS), ICFRE-FRI. (uploaded on 07.08.2024)
No. A38011/4/2006-Est-0302-08-2024
Office memorandum regarding Service associations under ICFRE. (uploaded on 24.07.2024)
No. 1-04/2018-miscellaneous/62718-07-2024
Office order regarding posting of Sh. Narendra Sen, FRO, in extension division. (uploaded on 22.07.2024)
No. 16/986/2024/Ests-I18-07-2024
नव वन चिकित्सालय में नि:शुल्क शिविर के आयोजन के संबंध में। (uploaded on 22.07.2024)
Office order regarding promotion of scientists. (uploaded on 12.07.2024)
Office Order regarding APAR/ACR of ICFRE-FRI dehradun. (uploaded on 27.06.2024)
No. 2/63/2023-24/ administration26-06-2024
Office Order- Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal, Scientist-E, will hold the position of Head, Forest Ecology and Climate change Division, FRI, Dehradun. (uploaded on 22.06.2024)
No. 46011/27/2018/Estt-I21-06-2024
Office Order regarding retirement of Shri Lekhnath Bhattarai, TO, Shri Khimanand Gairola,STA,ICFRE-FRI. (uploaded on 22.06.2024)
No. 19013/1/2022-Ests-II14-06-2024
Office Order regarding retirement of Smt Sangeeta Bhatt, STO ,ICFRE-FRI. (uploaded on 21.05.2024)
No. 48-2/2019-ICFRE13-05-2024
Office Order regarding resignation of Shri Nitish Mathpal, LDC, ICFRE-FRI. (uploaded on 15.05.2024)
No. 4/624/2020/Ests-II14-05-2024
Office Order regarding resignation of Shri Chandan kumar,(MTS), ICFRE-FRI. (uploaded on 14.05.2024)
No. 12026/101/2023/Ests-II09-05-2024
Office order regarding appointment of new employee. (uploaded on 14.05.2024)
No. 12026/MTS/2023/Ests-III03-05-2024
Relieving and repatriation of Shri S.K Thomas, IFS, from the post of conservator of Forests, FRI under ICFRE. (uploaded on 13.05.2024)
No. 11/678/2017/Ests-I09-05-2024
वन अनुसंधान एवं समविश्वविद्यालय के लिए वाहनों के वार्षिक मूल्य अनुबंध (ARC 2023-24) के संबंध में । (uploaded on 09.05.2024)
No. 10-13/2020-2023/head/engg cell/service branch27-12-2023
FRI, Dehradun will remain closed for all visitors on 07.05.2024 (1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.). (uploaded on 06.05.2024)
No. 1-04/2023-Misc-26906-05-2024
Order regarding transfer of employees. (uploaded on 02.05.2024)
No. 22015/3/2016-ests-226-04-2024
All officers/employees are informed to ensure entry through the institute gates before 9.00 am on 24-04-2024. (uploaded on 23.04.2024)
No. 4-34/2023-building/DIS
Circular regarding revised wages of contractual workers w.e.f dated 01-04-2024 (uploaded on 22.04.2024)
No. 03/94/2019-Ests-III15-04-2024
FRI, Dehradun will remain closed for all visitors on 24.04.2024 ( till 02:00 P.M.) due to administrative reasons. (uploaded on 17.04.2024)
No. 6-33/2021/Misc./130
FRI, Dehradun will remain closed for all visitors on 19.04.2024 on account of  polling day of Lok sabha general election 2024. (uploaded on 17.04.2024)
No. 6-33/2021/Misc./129
Circular- Offices of the Forest Research Institute shall remain closed on 19.04.2024 on account of polling day of Lok Sabha general election 2024. (uploaded on 15.04.2024)
No. 13-3/2023/Misc./115
Office order regarding annual programme for the year 2024-25 for implementation of official language policy. (uploaded on 15.04.2024)
Circular Regarding informing the telephone exchange (Forest Research Institute) before carrying out any construction, renovation etc. work by any department/division/section in the institute. (uploaded on 05.04.2024)
No. 2-6/2007/telephone exchange 4.04.2024
Office order regarding resignation of Digvijay Rana, Technician(Field/Lab research). (uploaded on 01.04.2024)
No. 67/119/2020-Ests-II28.03.2024
list of officials- promoted to the post of LDC on the basis of limited departmental competitive examination and recommendation of DPC. (uploaded on 01.04.2024)
No. 11/3/2021-Ests-II26.03.2024
list of officials- promoted to the post of Technician (Field/Lab research) on the basis of limited departmental competitive examination and recommendation of DPC. (uploaded on 01.04.2024)
No. 11/3/2021-Essts-II26.03.2024
Office order regarding the extension of Smt. Richa Misra's (IFS) deputation period. (uploaded on 28.03.2024)
No. 35-1016/2019-ICFRE15.03.2024
Office order regarding promotion of Technical staff. (uploaded on 28.03.2024)
No. 24-23/TS/Assessment /2023-ICFRE(RB)15.03.2024
Circular regarding Officer's rest house. (uploaded on 26.03.2024)
No. 16-15/2009-PLO/68718.03.2024
Office order regarding appointment of new employee (MTS). (uploaded on 20.03.2024)
No. 12026/MTS/2023-Ests-III15.03.2024
Result of painting competition organized on International Forest Day 2024. (uploaded on 19.03.2024)
No. II-21/DE/IDF/2023/91018.03.2024
Circular regarding possession of government accommodation. (uploaded on 19.03.2024)
No. 4-39/2023-Building/290015.03.2024
Office order regarding appointment of new employees. (uploaded on 19.03.2024)
No. 19/1/2023-Ests-II12.03.2024
Office Order regarding resignation of Ms. Pooja Rawat, (MTS). (uploaded on 18.03.2024)
No. 12026/107/2023-Ests-III15.03.2024
Office Order regarding resignation of Shri Gaurav Negi, Technician (Field/lab research). (uploaded on 18.03.2024)
No. 67/140/2020-Ests-II15.03.2024
Office Order regarding resignation of Shri Sanjeev Kumar Yadav, Technical Assistant(Field/lab research). (uploaded on 18.03.2024)
No. 5/57/2023-Est-II15.03.2024
Office Order regarding transfer of employees(MTS). (uploaded on 18.03.2024)
No. A 22017/06/2002-Est-315.03.2024
Office Order regarding demise of Shri Vijay Kumar, Assistant conservator of forest, ICFRE-FRI. (uploaded on 18.03.2024)
No. 35-828/2009-ICFRE07.03.2024
Regarding waiting list for allotment of government accommodation for the year 2024 in Forest Research Institute, New Forest, Dehradun. (uploaded on 18.03.2024)
No. 4-37/2024-building /200015.03.2024
Circular regarding quarter allotment. (uploaded on 18.03.2024)
No. 4-39/2023-building /290015.03.2024
List of newly appointed MTS. (uploaded on 05.03.2024)
No. 12026/MTS/2023-Est-313.02.2024
Office order regarding transfer of Shri Rahul (LDC), Forest Botany division to ICFRE (HQ) . (uploaded on 29.02.2024)
No. 21/5/2018-Est-2 16.02.2024
Circular to all the Head of Divisions/Principal investigators regarding project staff under them. (uploaded on 22.02.2024)
No. 11-02/2023-Misc. /278920.02.2024
Office Order regarding demise of Shri Ajay Kumar (MTS). (uploaded on 22.02.2024)
No. 12026/58/2020- Est-0319.02.2024
Circular regarding all officers residing in FRI residential premises (uploaded on 21.02.2024)
No. 10-3/2018- Building /275314.02.2024
Office order regarding selling rate of neem seeds . (uploaded on 13.02.2024)
No. 12-07/2023- R.C.S/4704.02.2024
Circular regarding panel of LDC/UDC /Assistant to work as cashier in accounts section (admin.), FRI. (uploaded on 13.02.2024)
No. 1/8/2010- Ests-II12.02.2024
Regarding leave of Shri S.K Thomas (IAS), Registrar, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. (uploaded on 12.02.2024)
No. 11/678/2017- Estt-I09.02.2024
Office order regarding extension of contract of M/s R.D excellent Services Pvt. Ltd. (uploaded on 12.02.2024)
No. 03/95/2022 - Estt-III12.02.2024
Office order regarding retirement of employees. (uploaded on 07.02.2024)
No.19013/1/2022 - Estt-0205.02.2024
Office order regarding retirement of Shri Lakshman Singh Thapa (MTS), Watch & Ward Section. (uploaded on 06.02.2024)
No. A 38011/4/2006 - Estt-0302-02-2024
Office order regarding retirement of employees . (uploaded on 06.02.2024)
No. 48-2/2019 -ICFRE25-01-2024
Regarding the request to the Officers/employees of FRI/ICFRE and students of FRI DU to ensure low speed and use of head gear (helmet) while driving. (uploaded on 06.02.2024)
No. 1-7/ watch and ward /202205.02.2024
Arrears of Post - Doctoral / Doctoral fellowships. (uploaded on 02.02.2024)
No. 1-1/2024/ SA-I18.01.2024
Circular regarding revised Republic Day Program organized in FRI Dehradun. (uploaded on 25.01.2024)
No. 9-4/2005/publish24.01.2024
Circular regarding panel of LDC/UDC /assistant to work as cashier in FRIDU and account section (admin),FRI (uploaded on 23.01.2024)
No. 1/8/2010/Estt-II19.01.2024
Office order regarding the appointment of Dr. Abhishek Singh to the post of Scientist B (Forest Ecology) at ICFRE-FRI (uploaded on 23.01.2024)
No. 16/984/2023/Estt-I16.01.2024
दिनांक 22-01-2024 (सोमवार) को संस्थान में  02:30 बजे तक का आधे दिन का अवकाश रहेगा। (uploaded on 19.01.2024)
No. 4-1/2010-विविध/257219.01.2024
वैकल्पिक अवकाश सूची। (uploaded on 19.01.2024)
No. 4-1/2010-विविध/255916.01.2024
संसद सत्र के दौरान सभी प्रभाग/अनुभाग प्रमुखों, अवर सचिव एवं अनुभाग अधिकारियों के मुख्यालय में उपस्थित रहने संबंधी परिपत्र (uploaded on 19.01.2024)
No. 01-04/2018-विविध/25215.01.2024
Instruction and Precautions for residents living in the FRI premises regarding movements of leopard. (uploaded on 10.01.2024)
No. I/watch and ward/200710.01.2024
अल्प अवधि प्रशिक्षण पाठ्यक्रम कलेंडर 2024 (uploaded on 03.01.2024)
No. II-12/DE/STC/2018-78702.01.2024
Office Order regarding the in-situ up-gradation to the Scientist-B in the grade of Scientist-C. (uploaded on 03.01.2024)
No. 22-2/01.01.2024-ICFRE (RB)/36129.12.2023
Office Order regarding the appointment of Dr. Bishnu Prasad Sahoo to the post of Scientist-B at ICFRE-FRI (uploaded on 02.01.2024)
No. 16/983/2023/Estt-I21.12.2023
Ms Ranjana Kumari Negi, Scientist-E, will hold the position of Head, Botany Division,FRI. (uploaded on 02.01.2024)
No. 46011/27/2018/Estt-I01.01.2024
Office Order regarding the Assessment Promotion of Shri Shubham Kumar, Technician (F/L Research), Chemistry & Bio-Prospecting Division (uploaded on 22.12.2024)
No. 60011/50/2019-Estt-II04.12.2023
Office Order regarding the Resignation of Shri Prince Kumar, LDC, Establishment Section-II. (uploaded on 21.12.2023)
No. 4/636/2020-Estt-I12.12.2023
Office Order regarding the reappointment of MTS (uploaded on 21.12.2024)
No. 12026/43/2020-Estt-0321.12.2023
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान, न्यू फॉरेस्ट, देहारादून में वर्ष 2024 हेतु सरकारी आवास आबंटन के लिए प्रतीक्षा सूची तैयार करने के संबंध में। (uploaded on 20.12.2023)
No. 4-37/2024-भवन/239019.12.2023
Shri Sumantra Basu, Scientist-B has been posted in Forest Ecology and Climate Change Division, ICFRE-FRI. (uploaded on 11.12.2023)
No. 16/982/2023/Ests-I12.12.2023
Official Order regarding the resignation of Shri Ompal Singh (MTS). (uploaded on 11.12.2023)
No. 12026/63/2020-Ests-0307.12.2023
List of Gazetted Holidays for Central Government Offices during the year 2024 in Uttarakhand State. (uploaded on 11.12.2023)
No. 4-1/2010-विविध /225704.12.2023
Official order regarding "Internal Complaint Committee" for redressal of complaints related to Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace. (uploaded on 11.12.2023)
No. 7-32/2004-विविध /2295 05.12.2023
Official order regarding the officials have completed their probationary period satisfactorily and are confirmed on the dates and posts. (uploaded on 11.12.2023)
No. 15013/21/2004-Ests-II01.12.2023
उत्तराखण्ड ग्लोबल इन्वेस्टर्स सम्मिट-2023 के आयोजन के संबंध में। (uploaded on 07.12.2023)
No. 1-04/2023-विविध/231006.12.2023
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान, न्यू फॉरेस्ट, देहारादून में वर्ष 2024 हेतु सरकारी आवास आबंटन के लिए प्रतीक्षा सूची तैयार करने के संबंध में। (uploaded on 23.11.2023)
No. 4-37/2024-भवन/220022.11.2023
Office order regarding transfer of Shri R. Ezhumalai, Scientists-E from ICFRE-FRI, Dehradun to ICFRE-Institute of Wood Science and Technology bengaluru. (uploaded on 10.11.2023)
No. 16/921/2018/Ests-I25.10.2023
Office order regarding transfer of Shree Preetpal Singh, Forest Ranger From Extension Division to Range Office, Forest Silviculture and Management Division. (uploaded on 10.11.2023)
No. 16/971/2022 स्थापना-I03.11.2023
Office Order regarding transfers of MTS staff (uploaded on 10.11.2023)
No. 12026/एम0टी0एस0/2023 स्थापना-III16.10.2023
Office order regarding retirement of employees. (uploaded on 01.11.2023)
No. 48-2/2019-ICFRE17.10.2023
न्यू फॉरेस्ट एस्टेट, व0अ0सं0 के आवासीय भवनों के अनुज्ञप्ति शुल्क की राशि के संशोधन के संबंध में। (uploaded on 25.10.2023)
No. 4-2/2009-भवन /208425.10.2023
सूचित किया जाता है कि प्रशासनिक कारणों से दिनांक 25-10-2023 ( बुधवार ), दिनांक 26-10-2023 ( ब्रहस्पतिवार ) एवं दिनांक 27-10-2023 ( शुक्रवार ) को वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान, देहरादून सभी आगन्तुकों के लिए ( प्रातः एवं सांय भ्रमणकर्ताओं सहित ) बंद रहेगा। (uploaded on 20.10.2023)
No. 6-33/2021-विविध/205820.10.2023
List of newly appointed MTS. (uploaded on 18.10.2023)
No. 12026/MTS/2023-Ests-III16.10.2023
Official order regarding appointment of Sh. Pawan Devshali, T.A. in Extension Division. (uploaded on 11.10.2023)
No. 19/1/2020-Ests.- II (Offer of Appointment)06.10.2023
Official letter regarding transfer of Shri Sanjeev Khugsal, Section Officer, from ICFRE(HQ) to FRI in Extension Division, FRI. (uploaded on 09.10.2023)
No. 32014/13/2016/Ests-I06.10.2023
BSNL के मासिक बिल के तय समय सीमा में सत्यापन करके दूरभाष केंद्र में जमा करने के संबंध में परिपत्र (uploaded on 12.10.2023)
No. 2-3/2018/Tel. Bills/BSNL-EPABX27.09.2023
सूचित किया जाता है कि प्रशासनिक कारणों से दिनांक 07-10-2023 ( शनिवार ) को वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान, देहरादून दोपहर सभी आगन्तुकों के लिए ( प्रातः एवं सांय भ्रमणकर्ताओं सहित ) बंद रहेगा। (uploaded on 05.10.2023)
No. 6-33/2021-विविध/106505.10.2023
Appointment of Shri Purushottam Kumar to the post of Scientist-B (Wood Science & Technology) at ICFRE-FRI (uploaded on 04.10.2023)
No. 16/981/2023/Estt-I29.09.2023
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान में मनाया गया हिन्दी पखवाड़ा-2023 (uploaded on 04.10.2023)
Office order regarding appointment of Shri R. Anand, IFS to the post of Deputy Conservator of Forests at FRI. (uploaded on 25-09-2023)
No. 32-20/2-23-ICFRE25.09.2023
Office order regarding the appointment of Shri. Sambuddha Majumder, IFS to the post of Deputy Conservator of Forests (DCF) at FRI. (uploaded on 25-09-2023)
No. 35-1111/2023-ICFRE06.09.2023
List of newly appointed Scientist- B in FRI. (uploaded on 21-09-2023)
No. 16/2023/Estt-115.09.2023
Office order regarding Appointment of Shri Neeraj Kumar Gupta, Section Officer, FRI to the post of Accounts Officer, ICFRE. (uploaded on 21-09-2023)
No. 16/837/2017/Estt-115.09.2023
Office order regarding retirement of Shri Dileep Ram, Technical Officer, FPD and Shri Anil Sachdeva, Technical Officer, Purchase Section, FRI. (uploaded on 21-09-2023)
No. 19013/1/2022-Estt-215.09.2023
Filling up of posts of LDC through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. (uploaded on 21-09-2023)
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान में हिंदी पखवाड़े का शुभारंभ (uploaded on 21-09-2023)
हिन्दी पखवाड़े के अंतर्गत दिनांक 14 से 29 सितम्बर तक आयोजित कार्यक्रम। (uploaded on 13-09-2023)
No. 14012/2/2023- हिं.प.11.09.2023
Circular regarding to prepare a panel of LDC/UDC/Assistant to work as Cashier in Accounts Section (Admin.), FRI. (uploaded on 13-09-2023)
No. 1/8/2010- Ests-II12.09.2023
Office Order regarding transfer of Shri Rudra Dev Sharma, LDC from ICFRE-HQ to ICFRE-FRI (uploaded on 08-09-2023)
No. 21-05/2005/Ests-II25.08.2023
Office Order regarding transfer of Shri Arvind Rawat, LDC from ICFRE-FRI to ICFRE-HQ . (uploaded on 08-09-2023)
No. 21-05/2018/Ests-II.25.08.2023
Office Order regarding appointment of Sh. Ankit Thapliyal to the post of Technical Assistant(F/L) in Forest Products Division. (uploaded on 08-09-2023)
No. 19/1/2020-Ests-II (offer of Appointment)06.09.2023
Office Order regarding superannuation of Group 'B' and 'C' officers/officials. (uploaded on 08-09-2023)
No. 19013/1/2022-Ests-II 22.08.2023
श्री महालिंग भा०वा०से० प्रभाग प्रमुख विस्तार प्रभाग एवं आई0टी0 एवं जी0आई0एस0 शाखा के दिनांक 18/09/2023 से 22/09/2023 तक प्रशिक्षण पर मुख्यालय से अनुपस्थिति के संबंध में। (uploaded on 29-08-2023)
No. 11/685/2023/Ests-I29.08.2023
In line with office circular no. 1-04/2021-Miscellaneous/852, dated 11-11-2022, All the Divisional Heads/Scientists/Officers of this Institute are again informed that any correspondence with ICFRE (HQ) should be done through proper channel only. (uploaded on 29-08-2023)
No. 01-04/2023/Misc.24.08.2023
Office Order regarding appointment of Shri R. Anand IFS on deputation to the post of Deputy Conservator of Forests at ICFRE-FRI. (uploaded on 25-08-2023)
No. 11/688/2023/Ests-I.04.09.2023
Office Order regarding appointment of Dr. Amit Pandey, Scientist G on deputation to the post of Director ICFRE Institute of Forest Productivity Ranchi. (uploaded on 25-08-2023)
No. 11/563/1996/Ests-I24.08.2023
Office order regarding Dr. Vineet Kumar Scientist-G will take over the charge of Dean, FRIDU, Dehradun. (uploaded on 25-08-2023)
No. 11/563/1996/Ests-I24.08.2023
Dr. D.P. Khali, Scientist-G, FPD will take over the charge of the post of Purchase Officer from Dr. Amit Pandey, Scientist-G until further orders. (uploaded on 21-08-2023)
No. 11/563/1996/Ests-I21.08.2023
Office order regarding retirement of Shri Anil Kumar Sharma, MTS (uploaded on 25-08-2023)
6/49/99- Ests-III25.08.2023
Official order regarding the retirement of employees. (uploaded on 21-08-2023)
No. 38011/04/2006/Ests-0321.08.2023
वन संरक्षण विभाग से सम्बंधित सभी ई-मेल प्रमुख, वन संरक्षण विभाग की ई-मेल में भेजें सम्बन्धी। (uploaded on 21-08-2023)
No. 646/डिस/2023/इन्टो/व.स.प्र.11.08.2023
Order regarding transfer of Scientists (uploaded on 21-08-2023)
No. डिस/मिस/2022/स्थापना-117.08.2023
77वां स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह मनाने के संबंध में। (uploaded on 10-08-2023)
No. 9-12/2005/प्रचार/23402.08.2023
सूचित किया जाता है कि प्रशासनिक कारणों से दिनांक 10-08-2023 ( बृहस्पतिवार ) को वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान, देहरादून दोपहर 2:00 बजे तक सभी आगन्तुकों के लिए ( प्रातः भ्रमणकर्ताओं सहित ) बंद रहेगा। (uploaded on 09-08-2023)
सं0 6-33/2021-विविध/77209.08.2023
Official order regarding the constitution of Students' Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) in FRI deemed to be university. (uploaded on 07-08-2023)
Official order regarding the appointment of Dr. S.D. Sharma, (Retired Indian Forest Officer) as an Ombudsperson for redressal of grievances of students of the FRI Deemed to be University. (uploaded on 07-08-2023)
Circular regarding the electricity connections in allotted houses. (uploaded on 05-08-2023)
Filling up of posts of LDC through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. (uploaded on 03-08-2023)
Order regarding the Name/Surname change of Km Sushmita Pant. (uploaded on 01-08-2023)
Circular regarding security and safety of offices. (uploaded on 01-08-2023)
6-10/watch and ward/202027.07.2023
Order regarding departmental promotion of LDC to the post of UDC (uploaded on 01-08-2023)
सूचित किया जाता है कि प्रशासनिक कारणों से दिनांक 01-08-2023 ( मंगलवार ) को वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान, देहरादून दोपहर 2:00 बजे तक सभी आगन्तुकों ( प्रातः भ्रमणकर्ताओं सहित ) के लिए बंद रहेगा। (uploaded on 31-07-2023)
सं0 6-33/2021-विविध/31.07.2023
Office Order regarding transferred of Shri Vinod kumar and Shri Abhishek Singh Rawat into ICFRE (HQ). (uploaded on 24-07-2023)
37-8/2023-ICFRE (Pt.II)24.07.2023
Office Order regarding transfers of employees. (uploaded on 24-07-2023)
Office order regarding appointment of new technical assistant. (uploaded on 24-07-2023)
19/1/2020-Ests-II (offer of appontment)19.07.2023
Minutes of the House Allotment Committee (HAC) of F.R.I. held on 17.07.2023 for allotment/change of govt. quarters to ICFRE/FRI official (uploaded on 24-07-2023)
Office order regarding superannuation of Km. Seema, P.S. w.e.f. 30.06.2023 (uploaded on 24-07-2023)
Filling up of promotion quota posts of Technician Level -3 ( Field/ Lab Research ) through Limited Departmental Examination. (uploaded on 20-07-2023)
Circular for preparation of panel from LDC/UDC/ Assistant to work as Cashier in Accounts Section (Admin) , FRI , Dehradun . (uploaded on 20-07-2023)
Orders regarding promotion of FRI employees. (uploaded on 12-07-2023)
11/01/2021-Ests-II(S.K. Promotion)05.07.2023
सूचित किया जाता है कि वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान में वैज्ञानिक वर्ग की भर्ती परीक्षा के कारण दिनांक 09-07-2023 (रविवार ) को संस्थान सभी आगंतुकों के लिए (प्रातः एवं सांय भ्रमणकर्ताओं सहित) बंद रहेगा। (uploaded on 07-07-2023)
सं0 6-33/2021-विविध/07.07.2023
Orders regarding promotion of Scientists.
(uploaded on 04-07-2023)
No. 22-2/01.07.2023-ICFRE (RB)30.06.2023
Office order regarding promotion of Sh. Prabhakar Hatwal to the post of Senior Store Keeper (uploaded on 04-07-2023)
सं0 11/01/2021-Ests-II(S.K. Promotion)30.06.2023
Circular regarding Cash Account (uploaded on 04-07-2023)
सं0 632/1-1/2022-FRIDU(A/cs)04.07.2023
Order regarding transfer of Shri Vibhu Ranjan Nayak, MTS from Watch and Ward Division, FRI to ICFRE.
(uploaded on 27-06-2023)
सं0 12026/66/2020/Estt-III23.06.2023
Order regarding the transfer of Dr. G.S. Uma Scientist-B from ICFRE-FRI, Dehradun to ICFRE- IWST, Bengaluru.
(uploaded on 19-06-2023)
सं0 16/960/2021/Ests-116.06.2023
Dr. Arun Pratap Singh, Scientist-G, will hold the position of Head, Forest Protection Division, FRI Dehradun w.e.f from 26.06.2023 and till further orders. (uploaded on 12-06-2023)
सं0 46011/27/2018/Estt.-I26.06.2023
Promotion orders in respect of Technical Officer to the post of Senior Technical Officer. (uploaded on 06-06-2023)
सं0 24-19/TS/Assessment/2022-ICFRE (RB)02.06.2023
Promotion orders in respect of Senior Technical Officer to the post of Asstt. Chief Technical Officer. (uploaded on 06-06-2023)
सं0 24-19/TS/Assessment/2022-ICFRE (RB)02.06.2023
सूचित किया जाता है कि प्रशासनिक कारणों से दिनांक 13-06-2023 ( मंगलवार ) को वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान दोपहर 3:00 बजे तक सभी आगन्तुकों ( प्रातः भ्रमणकर्ताओं सहित ) के लिए बंद रहेगा ।
(uploaded on 12-06-2023)
सं0 6-33/2021-विविध/47312.06.2023
सेवानिवृत्त होने के संबंध में आदेश। (uploaded on 08-06-2023)
सं0 48-2/2019- भा0वा0अ0शि0प031.05.2023
'यूनिकोड हिंदी टाइपिंग' विषय पर राजभाषा हिंदी प्रशिक्षण कार्यशाला का आयोजन (uploaded on 29-05-2023)
Shri Shiv Kumar, Section Officer(Project), FRI will hold the additional charge to the post of Accounts Officer, FRI w.e.f. 02-06-2023. (uploaded on 26-05-2023)
सं0 16/929/2019/Estt-123.05.2023

सूचित किया जाता है कि प्रशासनिक कारणों से वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान दिनांक 27-05-2023 ( शनिवार ) से 28-05-2023 ( रविवार ) तक सभी आगन्तुकों ( प्रातः एवं सांय भ्रमणकर्ताओं सहित ) के लिए बंद रहेगा ।
(uploaded on 26-05-2023)
सं0 6-33/2021-विविध/39626.05.2023
सूचित किया जाता है कि वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान 19-05-2023 (शुक्रवार) के स्थान पर दिनाक 20-05-2023 (शनिवार) को दोपहर 1:00 बजे तक सभी आगंतुकों के लिए (प्रातः भ्रमणकर्ताओं सहित) बंद रहेगा। (uploaded on 19-05-2023)
सं0 6-33/2021-विविध/27618.05.2023

सूचित किया जाता है कि दिनांक 20-05-2023 को वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान के सभी कार्यालय खुले रहेंगे।
(uploaded on 18-05-2023)
सं0 6-33/2021-विविध/27718.05.2023
ICFRE Training Calendar for the FY 2023-24. (uploaded on 17-05-2023)
No. 3-22/HRD/Training Calender/2023-24/35109.05.2023
Circular regarding the retirement of employees on 30.04.2023. (uploaded on 15-05-2023)
No. 19013/1/2022- Ests-II09.05.2023
एफआरआई परिसर में सफाई के संबंध में परिपत्र (uploaded on 15-05-2023)
No. 6-21/watch and ward/201711.05.2023
Regarding revised wages of Contractual workers w.e.f dated 01-04-2023. (uploaded on 26-04-2023)
No. 03/94/2019- Ests-III25.04.2023
Circular for allotment of residence. (uploaded on 25-04-2023)
सं0 4-39/2023-भवन/16225.04.2023
Circular for Waiting List for allotment of Govt. Residence at FRI Estate for the year 2023. (uploaded on 25-04-2023)
सं0 4-37/2023-भवन/16325.04.2023
List of newly appointed officials to the post of Technical Assistant . (uploaded on 15-05-2023)
No. -19/1/2020-Ests-II10.05.2023
सूचित किया जाता है कि वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान में वैज्ञानिक वर्ग की भर्ती परीक्षा के कारण दिनांक 23-04-2023 (रविवार ) को संस्थान सभी आगंतुकों के लिए (प्रातः एवं सांय भ्रमणकर्ताओं सहित) बंद रहेगा। (uploaded on 21-04-2023)
सं0 6-33/2021-विविध/8321.04.2023
कोरोना संक्रमण की नयी लहर को देखते हुए सार्वजानिक स्वस्थ्य के हित में तथा कोविड संक्रमण के रोकथाम हेतु प्रभारी अधिकारी न्यू फारेस्ट चिकित्सालय द्वारा जनहित में जारी (uploaded on 21-04-2023)
सं0 8-6/2019/NFH (covid)20.04.2023
राजभाषा नीति के कार्यान्वयन हेतु वर्ष 2023-24 का वार्षिक कार्यक्रम। (uploaded on 19-04-2023)
सं0 14011/5/2022-रा.नी.आ. /30713.04.2023
Order regarding the transfer of Section Officers in the place mentioned against their names with immediate effect. (uploaded on 13-04-2023)
सं0 32014/13/2016/Ests-I12.04.2023
सूचित किया जाता है कि वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान में वैज्ञानिक वर्ग कि भर्ती परीक्षा के कारण दिनांक 16-04-2023 (रविवार ) को संस्थान सभी आगंतुकों के लिए (प्रातः एवं सांय भ्रमणकर्ताओं सहित) बंद रहेगा। (uploaded on 13-04-2023)
सं0 6-33/2021-विविध/8313.04.2023
It is hereby notified that the undernoted PhD candidates-2022 have passed in the supplementary exam of Pre-PhD compulsory course work on 1. Basic Forestry, 2. Statistical and Research methods in Forestry (uploaded on 13-04-2023)
सं0 19/7-2/Phd/2022-FRIDU06.04.2023
Circular for Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2023 — Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. (uploaded on 12-04-2023)
सं0 4-1/2010-विविध/6211.04.2023
Circular for allotment of residence. (uploaded on 24-03-2023)
सं0 4-39/2023-भवन/169824.03.2023
अत्यंत दुःख के साथ सूचित किया जाता है कि श्री अरविन्द कुमार गेजवाल सहायक मुख्य तकनीकी अधिकारी, वनोपज प्रभाग व0अ0सं0, देहरादून का दिनाँक 27 फरवरी 2023 को निधन हो गया है। (uploaded on 22-03-2023)
संख्या- 16/819/2016/स्थापना-प्रथम17.03.2023
Circular for allotment of residence. (uploaded on 21-03-2023)
सं0 4-39/2023-भवन/166917.03.2023
Circular for Waiting List for allotment of Govt. Residence at FRI Estate for the year 2023. (uploaded on 14-03-2023)
सं0 4-37/2023-भवन/162614.03.2023
वाहनों के वार्षिक मूल्य अनुबंध (ARC-2023-24) के सम्बन्ध में (uploaded on 13-03-2023)
No. 10-13/2022-23/head/engg cell07.03.2023
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय वन दिवस 2023 पर आयोजित चित्रकला एवं स्लोगन प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम (uploaded on 10-03-2023)
No. II-21/DF/IDF/2023/18710.03.2023
वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान स्थित बांस वाटिका में सूखे खड़े बांसों के विक्रय हेतु रूचि की अभिव्यक्ति (Expression of Interest) (uploaded on 10-03-2023)
No. 1-145/स.व.सं. (प्र)/सिल्वा /49810.03.2023
Regarding retirement of Shri Vishnu Prasad Sharma , STA (Maintenance) (uploaded on 09-03-2023)
No. II-19013/1/2022-Ests-206.03.2023
List of employees retired in 31-01-2023 (uploaded on 09-03-2023)
No. II- II-19013/1/2022-Ests-206.03.2023
The following Research Project Fellows are awarded Research Fellowships as per the details mentioned against their names (uploaded on 02-03-2023)
No. 5-1/2023-RCS(order)/7828.02.2023
वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान में वैज्ञानिक वर्ग की भर्ती परीक्षा के कारण दिनांक 26-02-2023 को संस्थान सभी आगंतुकों के लिए (प्रातः एवं सांय भ्रमणकर्ताओं सहित) बंद रहेगा एवं दिनांक 26-02-2023 को परीक्षार्थियों के लिए वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान का केवल कौलागढ़ गेट ही खुलेगा। (uploaded on 23-02-2023)
No. 6-33/2021-Misc./154022.02.2023
The Forest Research Institute campus will be open for visitors in the morning and evening at the scheduled time and for all other visitors from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm as before. (uploaded on 08-02-2023)
No. 6-33/2021-Misc./150108.01.2023
Circular regarding cancellation of the name of former husband of Sudesh Kumari (senior technician) from service book and other government records (uploaded on 25-01-2023)
No. 67/100/2016-Est-206.01.2023
republic day celebration Programe. (uploaded on 23-01-2023)
No. 9-4/2005/प्रचार16.01.2023
Shree Suraj Prashad, LDC will hold the position of Caretaker of all FRIDU Hostel in addition to FRIDU Registrar Office work. (uploaded on 23-01-2023)
No. -2168/3-50/2016-FRIDU09.01.2023
List of Gazetted and Restricted Holidays of India 2023 as per Registrar Office. (uploaded on 19-01-2023)
No. -4-1/2020-विविध/115028.01.2023
Circular regarding the retirement of Shree Chandan Singh Rawat, MTS, Watch and Ward, FRI, Dehradun (uploaded on 17-01-2023)
No. -31/229/91-Ests-0312.01.2023
Promotion orders of Shri Suraj Prasad to the post of LDC. (uploaded on 07-01-2023)
No. -1/19/2029-Ests-II29.12.2023
Circular Regarding visitors will be allowed in FRI from 9:30 to 4:30 P.M. (uploaded on 06-01-2023)
No. -6-33/2021-विविध06.01.2023
Circular for Waiting List for allotment of Govt. Residence at FRI Estate for the year 2023. (uploaded on 06-01-2023)
No. -4-37/2023-building/130905.01.2023
वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान विश्वविद्यालय में एम.एस.सी. पाठ्यक्रमों के सभी छात्र/ छात्राओं तथा सभी शोधकर्ताओं को कोविड-19 संक्रमण के दिशा निर्देश के सम्बन्ध में (uploaded on 02-01-2023)
संख्या-1-15/2020 FRIDU/209123.12.2022
Instruction and Precautions for residents living in the FRI premises regarding movements of leopard(uploaded on 02-01-2023)
संख्या-1/Watch and Ward/200728.12.2022
Shree Raj kumar, Assistant, building and miscellaneous section, has been retired from ICFRE services.(uploaded on 02-01-2022)
Consequent to retirement the following officers/scientists have retired from ICFRE service on the date shown against their names(uploaded on 28-12-2022)
FRI campus is closed from 29-12-2022 to 15-01-2023 for all the visitors (including morning and evening walkers) due to security reasons(uploaded on 28-12-2022)
संख्या-6-33 2021- विविध/127128.12.2022
श्री आर0 पी0 सिंह (भा०व०से०), वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान, देहरादून के दिनांक 19.11.2022 से 23.12.2023 के आकस्मिक अवकाश पर मुख्यालय से अनुपस्थिति के दौरान श्री आर0 पी0 सिंह (भा०व०से०), द्वारा धारित पदों को निम्न अधिकारी संभालेंगे .(uploaded on 21-12-2022)
order(uploaded on 21-12-2022)
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान, न्यू फॉरेस्ट, देहरादून में वर्ष 2023 हेतु सरकारी आवास आबंटन के लिए प्रतीक्षा सूची तैयार करने के संबंध में।(uploaded on 15-12-2022)
Circular (uploaded on 12-12-2022)
संख्या-1/watch and ward/200712.12.2022
श्री एस0 के0 थॉमस (भा०व०से०), कुलसचिव, वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान, देहरादून के दिनांक 30.11.2022 से 09.12.2023 के तक 10 दिन के अर्जित अवकाश पर मुख्यालय से अनुपस्थिति के दौरान श्री एस के थॉमस, भा० व० से० द्वारा धारित पदों को निम्न अधिकारी संभालेंगे .(uploaded on 02-12-2022)
Shree Rahul (LDC), Establishment Section-2 is transferred to Forest Botany Division, Forest Research Institute with immediate effect.(uploaded on 01-12-2022)
FRI, Dehradun will remain closed for all visitors on 26.11.2022 (Saturday) due to the Convocation of FRI Deemed University.(uploaded on 24-11-2022)
सुश्री विजय रात्रे भा०वा०से० सहायक वन संवर्द्धिक (सामान्य) वन संवर्धन एवं प्रबंधन प्रभाग वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान देहरादून के दिनाँक 13.12.2022 से 15.12.2022 तक विषय "Monitoring and management of wetlands" पर तीन दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम मैं भाग लेने हेतु मुख्यालय में अनुपस्थिति के दौरान कुलसचिव, वन अनुसन्धान संस्थान, देहरादून अपने कार्य के अतिरिक्त उनके द्वारा धारित पदों का अतिरिक्त प्रभार संभालेंगे .(uploaded on 17-11-2022)
Regarding revised wages (Arrears) of Contractual workers w.e.f. dated 01-04-2021 to 30-09-2021.(uploaded on 15-11-2022)
Office Memorandum.(uploaded on 15-11-2022)
Circular.(uploaded on 15-11-2022)
Enhancement of number of seats in M.Sc. courses-reg.(uploaded on 07-11-2022)
संख्या-I-9/2021/FRIDU -03.11.2022
Circular(uploaded on 07-11-2022)
संख्या- 2-2/watch and ward/2022/49427.10.2022
Consequent upon retirement the following officers have retired from the service of ICFRE on the date shown against their name(uploaded on 19-10-2022)
संख्या- 48-2/2019-ICFRE18.10.2022
Announcement And Consent Form For Sixth Convocation Of FRI Deemed To Be University(uploaded on 19-10-2022)
Circular Regarding theft in Forest Research Institute (uploaded on 17-10-2022)
संख्या- 3-8/watch and ward/2006/48811.10.2022
Following Scientist/ Officers of ICFRE will retired on 2023(uploaded on 17-10-2022)
संख्या- 48-2/2019-ICFRE07.10.2022
Vigilance Awareness Week scheduled program at FRI Dehradun from 31 October, 2022 to 06 November, 2022(uploaded on 13-10-2022)
संख्या- 31011/2/2022/-सतर्कता 11.10.2022
The transfer of the following technical employees is done with immediate effect in the division/section mentioned against their name(uploaded on 04.10-2022)
No. -22015/3/2016-Ests-II15.09.2022
Circular regarding Service Book and photos updation.(uploaded on 04.10-2022)
3-2(14)/2018-लेखा-3/वेतन अनुभाग 28.09.2022
Guidelines for acquiring and producing Geospatial Data and Geospatial Data Services including Maps(uploaded on 04-10-2022)
No. -SM/10/07/202202.09.2022
श्री आर० पी० सिंह, प्रभाग प्रमुख के दिनाँक 05.09.2022 से 09.09.2022 तक के अर्जित अवकाश के दौरान डॉ दिनेश कुमार वैज्ञानिक- जी, वन सर्वधन एवं प्रबंधन प्रभाग के व श्री नीलेश यादव वैज्ञानिक- ई, आई0 टी0 एवं जी0आई0एस0 शाखा के प्रभाग प्रमुख का कार्यभार बिना किसी अतिरिक्त पारितोषिक के लौटने तक संभालेगी।(uploaded on 30-09-2022)
No. -11/648/2007/Ests-I27.09.2022
During absence of Ms. Vijay Ratri on 05 Days "One Week Compulsory Training Course for IFS Officers" from 10.10.2022 to 14.10.2022, Registrar, FRI will hold the charge of Assistant Silviculturist (Experimental), Silviculture and Forest Management Division, till further orders.(uploaded on 30-09-2022)
No. -11/683/2007/Ests-I20.09.2022
02 अक्टूबर,2022 को राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गाँधी की 153वी जयंती के अवसर पर कार्यक्रम(uploaded on 28.09-2022)
No. -10-13/2015/प्रचार26.09.2022
Regarding revised wages of Contractual workers wef dated 01-04-2022.(uploaded on 26-09-2022)
No. -03/94/2019-Estt-III14.09.2022
Circular regarding National Forest Martyrs Day(uploaded on 09-09-2022)
F No. 9-37/2018/प्रचार05 September, 2022
Maintenance and Preparation of APAR Communication of all entries for fairness and transparency in public administration.(uploaded on 09-09-2022)
F No. 40-3/2021-20-ICFRE (R&F)02 September, 2022
दिनांक 02 सितम्बर, 2022 को "राजभाषा हिंदी से सम्बंधित नियम/ अधिनियम" शीर्षक विषय पर एकदिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया गया। (uploaded on 05-09-2022)
श्री आर० पी० सिंह, प्रभाग प्रमुख के दिनाँक 05.09.2022 से 09.09.2022 तक के अर्जित अवकाश के दौरान डॉ दिनेश कुमार वैज्ञानिक- जी, वन सर्वधन एवं प्रबंधन प्रभाग के व श्री नीलेश यादव वैज्ञानिक- ई, आई0 टी0 एवं जी0आई0एस0 शाखा के प्रभाग प्रमुख का कार्यभार बिना किसी अतिरिक्त पारितोषिक के लौटने तक संभालेगी।(uploaded on 05-09-2022)
No. -11/684/2007/Estt-I02.09.2022
IIFM, भोपाल में आयोजित होने वाली Mid-Career Training (MCT) पर श्री विनय कान्त मिश्रा, भा. व. से. सहायक वन संवर्धनिक (सामान्य), वन सर्वधन एवं प्रबंधन प्रभाग व. अ. स. देहरादून के दिनाँक 05.09.2022 से 30.09.2022 तक मुख्यालय से अनुपस्थिति के दौरान सुश्री विजया रात्रे भा. व. से. सहायक वन संवर्धनिक (प्रयोग), वन सर्वधन एवं प्रबंधन प्रभाग व. अ. स. देहरादून, अपने कार्य के अतिरिक्त प्रभार बिना किसी अतिरिक्त पारितोषिक के लौटने तक संभालेगी।(uploaded on 02-09-2022)
No. -11/684/2022/Estt-I30.08.2022
Applications for "National awards for Excellence in Forestry"  have been invited through MHA Portal (Online mode) with last date of application is 30th September, 2022. (uploaded on 26-08-2022)
Dr. Santan Barthwal, Scientist-F, will hold the position of Head, Genetics and Tree Improvement Division, FRI, Dehradun. . (uploaded on 25-08-2022)
No. -46011/27/2018/- Estt-0117.08.2022
Joining Report of Ms. Pragya Bharti, Stenographer Grade-II in the office of Director, FRI, Dehradun.(uploaded on 25-08-2022)
No. -279/DRI/202117.08.2022
Order regarding transfers of employees.(uploaded on 25-08-2022)
No. -22017/06/2002-est-III17.08.2022
In future, research scholars and employees related to all the divisions of the FRI, it is necessary to take permission before taking admission in the reserved forest area.(uploaded on 18-08-2022)
6-01/प. एवं नि. अनु. /202017.08.2022
Regarding retirement of Sh. Raj Bahadur Thapa, MTS. . (uploaded on 18-08-2022)
No. -38011/4/2006- Estt-0303.08.2022
Salient features of Flag Code of India, 2002 and FAQs about the Indian National Flag. (uploaded on 10.08-2022)
No. -1-04/2021-Misc08.08.2022
Circular regarding celebration of 76th Independence Day. (uploaded on 10-08-2022)
No. -9-12/2005/प्रचार03.08.2022
Regarding retirement of Group-'C' employees. (uploaded on 25-07-2022)
No. -38011/04/2006/estt-0321.07.2022
It is mandatory for the officers/staff of FRI and students of FRI DU to use helmet inside the campus. (uploaded on 20-07-2022)
No. -6-10/ प.एव.नि.अनु. / 202013.07.2022
'प्रकृति कार्यक्रम के अंतर्गत केंद्रीय विद्यालय, आई.टी.बी.पी. देहरादून के विद्यार्थियों का शैक्षिक प्रमाण के सम्बन्ध में (uploaded on 19-07-2022)
No. -11/41 डीई/ केवीएस /19.07.2022
'Har Ghar Tiranga' Program under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.(uploaded on 05-07-2022)
No. -710/1-3/2016-FRIDU29.06.2022
The FRI estate will remain closed for all visitors on 30.06.2022 due to the “CHINTAN SATRA”.(uploaded on 29-06-2022)
No. -06-33/2021-Misc.29.06.2022
In addition to her work, Ms. Vijay Ratri will hold the charge of Assistant Silviculturist (Experimental), Silviculture and Forest Management Division, till further orders.(uploaded on 28-06-2022)
No. -11-/680/2020/est-I24.06.2022
Shri Ashok Kumar has been retired from the post of FRO, FRI, Dehradun.(uploaded on 22-06-2022)
No. -36-51/2009-ICFRE14.06.2022
Due to the visit of Hon'ble Union Minister for Rural Development & Panchayati Raj Shri Giriraj Singh, the FRI Estate will remain closed on 19-06-2022 for all kind of visitors.(uploaded on 17-06-2022)
No. -01-04/2021-Misc.17.06.2022
International Day of Yoga-2022.(uploaded on 15-06-2022)
No. -1-29/DE/1YD/202209.06.2022
Ban on use of Plastics during the meeting.(uploaded on 13-06-2022)
No. -1-04/2018-Misc.(Part-1)07.06.2022
On the recommendation of DPC, the following Assistants to the post of Section Officer.(uploaded on 13-06-2022)
No. -32-54/2021-ICFRE09.06.2022
FRI Deemed to be University is going to organize One-day Professional Advancement Program on the Topic 'Understanding domain of IPR: A wholesome Perspective'.
(uploaded on 03-06-2022)
No. -149/FRI-DDN/C & BP Div./5(1)01.06.2022
As a result of retirement, the following officers have retired from the service of the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education on the date shown against their names.
(uploaded on 23-05-2022)
No. -48-1/2019-ICFRE12.05.2022
Hereby the transfer of Shri Surender Singh Negi, Forest Officer, Range Office, Forest Promotion and Management Division, FRI, Dehradun from the immediate division is done till further orders, to the Central Nursery Forest Promotion and Management Division, FRI, Dehradun..
(uploaded on 23-05-2022)
No. -16/971/2022/estt-I (Part-II)18.05.2022
Recommendations for Padma Awards-2023-reg.
(uploaded on 23-05-2022)
No. 1-04/2021-Misc. (Part-II)18.05.2022
Preparation of PARs /APARs /ACRs for the year ending 31.03.2022.
(uploaded on 11-05-2022)
No. 40-3/2016-2017-ICFRE(R&F)29.04.2022
Shri Rajesh Bhandari, Scientist-F, will hand over the regular charge of Purchase Officer FRI to Dr. P.S. Rawat, Scientist-F.(uploaded on 10-05-2022)
No. 16/778/2012-estt.-I10.05.2022
The deputation period of Shri Sajay Singh Pundir, Accounts officer ICFRE and Shri Harendra Singh Rawat, Accounts Officer, FRI extended for a further period of one year.(uploaded on 10-05-2022)
No. 32-22/2016-ICFRE10.05.2022
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Scientist G will take charge of Forest Silviculture and Forest Management Division, FRI and Dr. Nilesh Yadav Scientist-E will take charge of IT and GIS Discipline, FRI till the return of Shri. R.P. Singh from leave.
(uploaded on 10-05-2022)
No. 11/648/2007/estt-I06.05.2022
Shri Surender Singh Negi, Deputy Ranger is promoted to the post of Forest Ranger Officer at FRI Dehradun.(uploaded on 10-05-2022)
No. 36-51/2009-ICFRE29.04.2022
Notice- All the students and PhD researchers of the deemed university should follow the guidelines issued for the management in the campus and hostels.(uploaded on 05-05-2022)
No. 3-2(dean) / dean (A)/FRIDU/2020/131226.04.2022
Circular regarding following guidelines issued for the Covid 19 (uploaded on 05-05-2022)
No. 1-04/2021-Misc./9221.04.2022
Circular regarding Civil Online complaint portal (uploaded on 05-05-2022)
No. 2-56/2022-23/Head/Engg. Cell/ Civil25.04.2022
Completion of APA in respect of Technical Employees under Category- III as per ICFRE Technical Service Rules-2013 for the period 2021-2022 regarding(uploaded on 05-05-2022)
Completion of APAR/ AWR in respect of Scientist for the period 2021-2022 regarding(uploaded on 05-05-2022)
No.-23-23/2021/2022/ICFRE (RB)/2204.03.2022
राजभाषा नीति के कार्यान्वयन हेतु वर्ष 2022-23 का वार्षिक कार्यक्रम(uploaded on 27-04-2022)
No.-14011/5/2022-रा.नी.आ .22.04.2022
On the recommendation of DPC, following Deputy Rangers are promoted to the post of Forest Range Officer.(uploaded on 26-04-2022)
Consequent upon retirement the following officers have retired from the service of ICFRE on the date shown against their names.(uploaded on 26-04-2022)
Dr. V.K. Varshney Scientist-G will hold the charge of the post of Divisional Head of Chemical and Bio-Prospecting Division, FRI till further orders.(uploaded on 26-04-2022)
Updation of Youtube Channel(uploaded on 26-04-2022)
No.-164/2020/ADG[M&Extn.]/ICFRE?Social Media/9512.04.2022
Due to the visit of Hon'ble Minister, EF&CC the FRI estate will remain closed from 27-04-2022 to 29-04-2022 for  including morning and evening walkers as well as all the visitors.(uploaded on 26-04-2022)
Mrs. Vijaya Ratre will take over the charge of RSM Division in FRI from Shri R. Arun Kumar(uploaded on 23-03-2022)
Shri Vinay Kant Mishra, IFS is appointed to the post of Deputy Conservator of FRI, DEhradun(uploaded on 07-04-2022)
Minutes of the meeting of the Official Language Implementation Committee held on 24th March, 2022(uploaded on 06-04-2022)
No.-14011/4/2021-Hindi Section-IV28.03.2022
Circular regarding the amount deposited in Forest Research's revenue account 201-83361 through RTGS in Forest Research Institute.(uploaded on 06-04-2022)
No.-07-1/20220-21-BUDGET & ADUIT31.03.2022
Shri Vinay Kant Mishra, IFS will take over the charge of AS (G), Silviculture & Forest Management Division FRI.(uploaded on 06-04-2022)
Dr. Parveen Onial, CTO Chemistry & Bio Prospective Division, will hold the regular charge to the post of Purchase Officer, FRI.(uploaded on 06-04-2022)
Following employees are transferred to the Division/Section shown against their names with immediate effect.(uploaded on 04-04-2022)
Circular regarding Some divisions of FRI are taking forest advances from Forest Research Deemed University for pre-thesis seminars as refreshments.(uploaded on 04-04-2022)
No.-3118 2-11/2020 FRI Deemed University15.03.2022
Circular regarding applications for grant of pension/gratuity/commutation submission by employees.(uploaded on 29-03-2022)
No.-1-4/6/2021/AC(admin)/Misc. Correspondence24.03.2022
Following employees are transferred to the Division/Section shown against their names with immediate effect.(uploaded on 29-03-2022)
circular regarding consequent upon the joining of Dr. Renu Singh, IFS as Director, FRI an introductory meet of all Forest Officers & Scientist-B and above of FRI is scheduled to be held at 03:30 pm in the Board Room, FRI.(uploaded on 28-03-2022)
Order regarding relieving of Dr Manoj Kumar, Scientist-C with immediate effect to enable him to join ICFRE (H.Q.), and the works related to IT Cell, FRI to be handed over to Dr. Neelesh Yadav, Scientist-E.(uploaded on 23-03-2022)
Circular regarding Intellectual Property Rights Cell(uploaded on 23-03-2022)
Short Term Training Course Calendar- 2022 of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun(uploaded on 23-03-2022)
Superannuation / Retirement of Dr. Sadhna Tripathi , Scientist-G and Dr. Santhan Barthwal, Scientist-F, will Hold the additional charge of NFLIC(uploaded on 22-03-2022)
Following employees are transferred to the Division/Section shown against their names with immediate effect(uploaded on 22-03-2022)
Empanelment of CGHS approved/ empanelled private health care organizations' with ICFRE for providing medical treatment facilities and diagnostic procedures to the ICFRE beneficiaries.(uploaded on 10-03-2022)
Circular regarding reopen of FRI Premises and museums for visitors from 17.02.2022.(uploaded on 11-02-2022)
No.-3-07/Watch and Ward./2016/31211.02.2022
DoPT vide office memorandum Biometric attendance system shall remain suspended till 15.02.2022 or further orders.(uploaded on 04-02-2022)
empanelment of Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Center, New Delhi.(uploaded on 24-01-2022)
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान, न्यू फॉरेस्ट, देहरादून में वर्ष 2022 हेतु सरकारी आवास आबंटन के लिए अंतिम प्रतीक्षा सूची के संबंध में।(uploaded on 19-01-2022)
Minutes of the House Allotment Committee (HAC) of F.R.I. held on 11.01.2022 for allotment/change of govt. quarters to ICFRE/FRI official(uploaded on 17-01-2022)
Circular regarding Covid-19 Visitor is not allow till January 2022(uploaded on 07-01-2022)
सं. डिस/ कुल./ विविध /202206-01-2022
Biometric Attendance System is suspended till 31-01-2022(uploaded on 06-01-2022)
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान, न्यू फॉरेस्ट, देहरादून में वर्ष 2022 हेतु सरकारी आवास आबंटन के लिए प्रतीक्षा सूची तैयार करने के संबंध में।(uploaded on 22-12-2021)
Biometric attendance will resume from 13.12.2021(uploaded on 10-12-2021)
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान, न्यू फॉरेस्ट, देहरादून में वर्ष 2021 हेतु सरकारी आवास आबंटन के लिए प्रतीक्षा सूची तैयार करने के संबंध में।(uploaded on 07-12-2021)
Bio-metric attendance is postponed till 05.12.2021 or further orders.(uploaded on 26-11-2021)

Dr. Sangeeta Gupta, Scientist-G, will hold the position of Head, Forest Botany Division, FRI Dehradun(uploaded on 17-11-2021)

Circular Regarding Biometric attendance(uploaded on 12-11-2021)
No.-1-04/2021- Misc./3623

Memorandum regarding final Seniority List of ICFRE Employees.
(uploaded on 07-10-2021)
No.-1/386/2016-Ests-II(Seniority List)


Circular regarding FRI Dehradun reopen for visitors with Covid protocol
(uploaded on 27-08-2021)

Circular regarding Hindi Pakhwada - 2021
(uploaded on 24-08-2021)

The Holiday on account of Muharram will be observed on Friday, 20th August, 2021
(uploaded on 18-08-2021)

Circular for Waiting List for allotment of Govt. Residence of Forest Research Institute Estate, New Forest Dehradun for the year 2021 (from august to december)
(uploaded on 12-08-2021)

Circular for Preparation of Waiting List for allotment of Govt. Residence of Forest Research Institute Estate, New Forest Dehradun for the year 2021 (from august to december)
(uploaded on 04-08-2021)

It is informed that the following decisions have been taken by the committee as per the decision of the meeting convened on the date 23-07-2021
(uploaded on 23-07-2021)
राजभाषा हिंदी के क्रियान्वयन सम्बन्धी आदेश (uploaded on 23-07-2021)
No.-14011/4/2021-H. Part- IV22.07.2021
Minutes of the House Allotment Committee (HAC) of F.R.I. held on 16.07.2021 for allotment/change of govt. quarters to ICFRE/FRI official
(uploaded on 22-07-2021)
Tender for Campus Manning/ Security Services, Outdoor Mechanized Cleaning & House keeping, up-keeping and other services at FRI and ICFRE (HQ), Dehradun awarded to M/s King Security Guard Services pvt ltd for one year
(uploaded on 15-06-2021)
No.-03/94/2021- Establishment-0303.06.2021
Price List of Seeds
(uploaded on 10-05-2021)

Circular for Telephonic/ Online consultation at The New Forest Hospital for all beneficiaries of FRI, ICFRE, IGNFA, and CASFoS.

(uploaded on 30-04-2021)
No.- FRI/DDN/8-6/2019/NFH (Covid-19)29.04.2021

Minutes of the House Allotment Committee (HAC) of F.R.I. held on 17.03.2021 for allotment/change of govt. quarters to ICFRE/FRI official

(uploaded on 31-03-2021)

Circular for installation of new EPABX system by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Dehradun, in place of the EPABX system present at the Telephone Center, Forest Research Institute.

(uploaded on 19-03-2021)
No.- 2-2/2020/Rental EPABX-Tel.Exch.19.03.2021

Circular for final Waiting List for allotment of Govt. Residence at FRI Estate for the year 2021

(uploaded on 22-01-2021)
No.- 4-37/2021-Bldg.19.01.2021

Circular for Waiting List for allotment of Govt. Residence at FRI Estate for the year 2021

(uploaded on 30-12-2020)
No.- 4-37/2021-Bldg.23.12.2020

Circular for Preparation of Waiting List for allotment of Govt. Residence of Forest Research Institute Estate, New Forest Dehradun for the year 2021

(uploaded on 08-12-2020)
No.- 4-37/2021-Bldg.02.12.2020

Minutes of the House Allotment Committee (HAC) of F.R.I. held on 07.10.2020 for allotment/change of govt. quarters to ICFRE/FRI official

(uploaded on 19-10-2020)
Revised rate list of plants for sale
(uploaded on 25-09-2020)
Circular for files pertaining to financial matters related to plan projects and other than projects
(uploaded on 25-09-2020)
Circular for Complaint Management System
(uploaded on 25-09-2020)
Empanelment of CGHS approved/ empanelled Private Healh Care Organizations (HCOs) at New Delhi with Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE) for providing medical treatment facilities and diagnostic procedures to the ICFRE beneficiaries.
(uploaded on 27-05-2020)
Consequent upon the appointment of Shri Raj Kishore to the post of Scientist-B at Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
(uploaded on 06-03-2020)
Circular for Final Waiting List for allotment of Govt. Residences at FRI Estate.
(uploaded on 06-02-2019)
Circular for reservation of rooms in the rest house (officer rest house and scientist hostel) of Forest Research Institute for all officers and employees of Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education.
(uploaded on 18-11-2019)
18% GST rate on following facilities / services in Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
(uploaded on 27-09-2019)
Shri Rajesh Bhandari, Scientist-F, will Hold the additional charge of Purchase Officer
(uploaded on 27-09-2019)
No. 11/568/1997-Estt.-I24.09.2019
Retirement of Dr. Meena Bakshi, Sci- E
(uploaded on 19-09-2019)
No. 48-2/2016-ICFRE06.09.2019
Consequent upon the promotion and posting
(uploaded on 30-08-2019)
Order No. 32014/13/2016/Ests-I27.08.2019
Guidelines for settlement of claims for compensation on accidents applicable to the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education and its Institutes/Centres under its control
(uploaded on 28-08-2019)
Order No.48-1/2019-ICFRE14.08.2019
Dr. Ajay Thakur, Scientist -F, will hold the position of Head, Genetics and Tree Improvement Division, FRI Dehradun.
(uploaded on 14-08-2019)
Order No.46011/27/2018/Ests-I09.08.2019
Minutes of the House allotment committee (HAC) meeting held on 19.07.2019 for allotment/change of govt. quarters to ICFRE/FRI Official
(uploaded on 01-08-2019)
Order No.4-39/2019-Bldg.19.07.2019
Superannuation / Retirement of Sh. Salil Dhawan, Sh. Arunesh Kumar, Sh. Rajesh Kumar Bhandari
(uploaded on 26-07-2019)
Order No.48-2/2016-ICFRE17.07.2019
Appointment of various post at FRI
(uploaded on 26-07-2019)
Circulation rules for NFLIC
(uploaded on 05-07-2019)
Price list of Seeds
(uploaded on 31-05-2019)
Tranfer of Dr. Mala Rathore, Sci-E from AFRI, Jodhpur to FRI, Dehradun
(uploaded on 17-05-2019)
F. No. 16/928/2019/Ests-I16.052019
Retirement of 03 officers of FRI
(uploaded on 16-05-2019)
Circular Secretary ICFRE according to the notification, the name of Forestry Research and Human Resource Development Center has been changed according to the rules No. 34-12/2018-ICFRE dated - 16.04.2018
Hindi name: वन अनुसंधान केन्द्र-कौशल विकास
English Name: Forest Research Center-Skill Development

(uploaded on 22-03-2019)
Order for Dr. Harish Kumar will be the Head, IT & GIS Discipline, Facilities & Services Division
(uploaded on 18-03-2019)
Waiting list for allotment of Govt. Residences at Forest Research Institute Estate, New Forest, Dehradun for the year 2019
(uploaded on 26-02-2019)
Revised threshold values for submission of Quarterly Progress Report-QPR.
(uploaded on 25-02-2019)
Regarding the annual real estate return of Group 'C' (including former 'D' employees) of Indian Forestry Research and Education Council and Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
(uploaded on 24-01-2019)
No. 29011/1/2019-Vigilance24.01.2019
Statement of Annual immovable Property for year 2018 (as on 01.01.2019)
(uploaded on 16-01-2019)

Minutes of the House Allotment Committee (HAC) of F.R.I. held on 18.12.2018 for allotment/change of govt. quarters to ICFRE/FRI official

(uploaded on 02-01-2019)

Minutes of the House Allotment Committee (HAC) of F.R.I. held on 25.10.2018 for allotment/change of govt. quarters to ICFRE/FRI official

(uploaded on 04-12-2018)
No. -5.11.2018

Price list of Seeds.

(uploaded on 04-12-2018)
No. --

Vigilance Awareness Week organised in FRI, Dehradun

(uploaded on 22-10-2018)
No.- 31011/1/2018-Vigilance17.10.2018

Filling up of posts of Technician level-3 (Field/Lab Research) through Limited Departmental Examination.

(uploaded on 12-10-2018)
No.- A.32016/1-34/2017-Ests-II10.10.2018

Minutes of the House Allotment Committee (HAC) of F.R.I. held on 10.09.2018 for allotment/change of govt. quarters to ICFRE/FRI officials.

(uploaded on 24-09-2018)
No. - -

Restructuring of new division "Facilities & Services" in FRI.

(uploaded on 31-08-2018)
No. 46011/27/2018/Estt.-127.08.2018

Declaration for awarding Doctorate Degree in Forestry.

(uploaded on 21-08-2018)
No. 1412/7-9/2016-FRIDU08.08.2018

With regards to Celebrating 72nd Independence Day.

(uploaded on 14-08-2018)
No. 9-12/2005/Publicity08.08.2018

To obtain "NOC" from Purchase Section.

(uploaded on 13-08-2018)
No. 343/2018-19/Purchase26.07.2018

Contract expansion for six months of King Security Guards Services Pvt. Ltd. with FRI / ICFRE (Headquarters), Dehradun.

(uploaded on 13-08-2018)
No. 03/94/2015-Ests-III02.08.2018

Handing over charge / Taking over charge reg.

(uploaded on 13-08-2018)
No. 46011/27/2008/Estt.-I30.07.2018

Avoiding plastic use for environmental protection reg.

(uploaded on 13-08-2018)
No. 346 IV-4/DE/ED/201731.07.2018

Circular for Reimbursement of Child Education Allowance.

(uploaded on 03-08-2018)
No. 3-2(14)/2018-A/s-III/Pay Section19.07.2018

Minutes of the House Allotment Committee (HAC) of F.R.I. held on 11.07.2018 for allotment/change of govt. quarters to ICFRE/FRI officials.

(uploaded on 03-08-2018)

Order regarding the reorganisation of divisions.

(uploaded on 03-08-2018)
No. 4-31/2008-Bldg.17.07.2018

Order for the additional charge of the Field Research Station, Khirshu, Pauri Garhwal.

(uploaded on 03-08-2018)
No. 6-17 (Part A) DGTP/2018/47720.07.2018

Guidelines to be followed for holding of Conference/Workshop/Seminars etc. (Domestic & International)-reg.

(uploaded on 18-07-2018)
No. 48-3/2017-ICFRE05.07.2018

Constitution of the Forestry Expert Forum for developing synergy among researchers.

(uploaded on 18-07-2018)
No. 21-2/2018-ICFRE(RB)10021.05.2018

One day training workshop on “Hindi Rajbhasha Adhiniyam and Filling of Quarterly Hindi Progress Report”

(uploaded on 17-07-2018)

Regarding the new amount of fellowship

(uploaded on 13-07-2018)
No. 5-2/2018 R.C.S.29.06.2018
Order of transfer of Smt. Neelu Singh, Scientist-F, from TFRI to FRI Dehradun
(uploaded on 21-06-2018)
Order of extend the contract period of Shri Surender Pal Singh, FRO (on contractual basis) at FRI, Dehradun.
(uploaded on 19-06-2018)
Circular for Plastic free Environment at FRI, Dehradun.
(uploaded on 19-06-2018)
No. 6-2/प.एवं.नि.अनु./2008/128 14.06.2018
Order of Shri N. Bala, Scientist - F Joining at FRI, Dehradun.
(uploaded on 19-06-2018)
Retirement Order of Shri Ram Bahadur Singh
(uploaded on 19-06-2018)
Order "The Sexual Harassment of Woman at Workplace Act, 2013 Internal Complaints Committee
(uploaded on 19-06-2018)
Order of Joining at FRI, Dehradun.
(uploaded on 13-06-2018)
Order of Re-joining at FRI, Dehradun.
(uploaded on 13-06-2018)
Circular regarding International Yoga Day, 2018.
(uploaded on 13-06-2018)
Circular for International Yoga Day, 2018 celebration from secretary, ICFRE.
(uploaded on 13-06-2018)
फा0 स0 36-1/विविध/2018-भा.वा.आ.शि.प.08.06.2018
Circular regarding Celebration of International Yoga Day on 21 June,2018.
(uploaded on 13-06-2018)
No.13/2017/ADG (M&Extn)/ICFRE/Misc.06.06.2018
Circular for Scientific rules 2018 DG ICFRE
(uploaded on 12-06-2018)
F.No. 52-6/2016-ICFRE (Vol.II)31.05.2018
Circular for Reliving of Dr. Rakesh Kumar Chemistry Division
(uploaded on 12-06-2018)
Circular for Bio Matric Attendance
(uploaded on 12-06-2018)
Circular for Rajbhasha
(uploaded on 12-06-2018)
सं.14011/2/2013-हि. 8.06.2018
Circular for Yoga Day 21.06.2018
(uploaded on 12-06-2018)
Circular for Yoga Practice reminder
(uploaded on 12-06-2018)
संख्या 20-9/2017-विविध (Misc.)8.06.2018
Circular for Yoga Practice
(uploaded on 08-06-2018)
No. 20-9/2017-Misc.08.06.2018
Order of Transfer
(uploaded on 06-06-2018)
Order of Transfer
(uploaded on 06-06-2018)
Celebration of World Environment Day on 5th June, 2018 reg.
(uploaded on 31-05-2018)
Circular related to infection with Nipah Virus
(uploaded on 28-05-2018)
Regarding uploading circular order etc. on website
(uploaded on 28-05-2018)
Regarding change of name
(uploaded on 28-05-2018)
Approved Charges for FRI for Seed testing services for different Users
(uploaded on 25-05-2018)
No.3-1 / 2017-ICFRE/Admin/Budget/Pt. file

Circular regarding If any officer / employee has been given rent to any part of the allotted government house,
In relation to the evacuation of tenants within 24 hours

(uploaded on 22-05-2018)
No.20-53 / 2012-Building16.05.2018
G.F.R. Regarding implementation of format 22 and 23
(uploaded on 22-05-2018)
No.Dis / 2018-19 / store / format15.05.2018
In relation to the decisions taken in the meeting held on 25.04.2018 of the Official Language Implementation Committee of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
(uploaded on 22-05-2018)
Consequent upon the transfer of Dr. V.P. Pandey, ACTO, from CSFER Allahabad to FRI Dehradun vide this Office Order No.16/814/2015-Ests-I dated 13 April, 2018
(uploaded on 22-05-2018)
Circular regarding Extension & education activities on par with Research for assessment under FCS & Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme-Report of all S&T contributions
(uploaded on 21-05-2018)
No. A-32018/63/2017/Ests-I21.05.2018
Upon completion of retirement age, Shri Gajendra Singh Bisht, Private Secretary, Forest Research Institute has retired from service of Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education on 30.04.2018
(uploaded on 14-05-2018)
Election for a Representative of ICFRE employees
(uploaded on 11-05-2018)
No.1-04/2009 (A)-Misc.,02.05.2018
Increase in residency period on grounds of leave on medical grounds-reg
(uploaded on 11-05-2018)
No.52-6/2014-ICFRE (FCS)02.05.2018
Retirement of Shri G. S. Bisht, P.S. Director FRI w.e.f. 30.04.2018 (A/N) and Shri Manohar Lal, Technical Officer will hold the additional charge to the post of P.S. to the Director, FRI, in addition to his own duties and without any extra remuneration till further orders
(uploaded on 07-05-2018)
Relieving order Shri Manoj Kumar Scientist-B, Forest Informatics Division, FRI
(uploaded on 04-05-2018)
Selection to the post of Joint Director in Jharkhand Biodiversity Board, Ranchi on deputation for period of 3 years w.e.f. 25.04.2018 (A/N) Shri Manoj Kumar
(uploaded on 04-05-2018)
Restructuring of Centers and Divisions of ICFRE Institutes vide the Secretary ICFRE Notification No. 34-42/2018-ICFRE dated 16 April 2018
(uploaded on 03-05-2018)
No. 46011/27/2018/Estt.-I01.05.2018
Information on recommendation of National and International seminars/Conferences reg.
(uploaded on 27-04-2018)
APAR in respect of Technical staff (Cat-I & Cat-II) for the year 2017-2018
(uploaded on 25-04-2018)

Order reg. joining Sh. Praveen Oniyal as Research Officer Gd-II at FRI

(uploaded on 04-04-2018)
Filling up of Posts of Technician Level-2 & Level-3 through limited departmental examination
(uploaded on 26-03-2018)

Annual Working Plan of Scientists working in ICFRE and its Institutes

(uploaded on 19-03-2018)
No.23-23/2017-18/ICFRE (RB)/4119.03.2018

Annual Rate Contract for Printing & Binding for the year 2018-19

(uploaded on 16-03-2018)

Circular for EPF Contractual Worker

(uploaded on 14-03-2018)

Fire Rescue circular in Forest Research Institute.

(uploaded on 20-03-2018)
No. 0-51/92/Range/Silva./33516.03.2018

Minutes of the house allotment committee (HAC) of FRI held on 13.03.2018 for allotment/change of Govt. Quarters to ICFRE/FRI Officials.

(uploaded on 20-03-2018)
No. -16.03.2018

Preparation of Annual Confidential Reports for the year ending 31.03.2018

(uploaded on 20-03-2018)
No. 2/9/Admin. (2017-2018)13.03.2018

Preparation of Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) in respect of Technical staff (Cat-I & Cat-II) for the year 2017-2018

(uploaded on 20-03-2018)
No. APAR/Tech./DPC-201813.03.2018

Preparation of PARs/APARs/ACRs for the year ending 31.03.2018- regarding.

(uploaded on 20-03-2018)
No. 40-3/2016-2017-ICFRE (R&F)08.03.2018

Minutes of the meeting held on 11.01.2018 with representatives of all Service Associations of ICFRE(Hqrs.)/ FRI Dehradun.

(uploaded on 20-03-2018)
No. 7-9/2017/Association/ICFRE(PC)23.02.2018

Completion of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports/Annual Work Report (APAR/AWR) in respect of Scientists for the period 2017-2018-regarding.

(uploaded on 20-03-2018)
No. 23-23/2017-2018/ICFRE (RB)/3022.02.2018

Notice regarding Annual sports festival of FRI Deemed to be University.

(uploaded on 06-03-2018)
No. 4086/3-15/2018-F.R.I.D.U.

No. 4079/3-15/2018-F.R.I.D.U.


Order related to administrative work of the hospital of Forest Research Institute

(uploaded on 06-03-2018)
No. 12016/215/2017/
Establishment -First


Circular regarding entry fees for campus of Forest Research Institute

(uploaded on 06-03-2018)
No. 6-36/2000-miscellaneous26.02.2018

Information about inviting articles / compositions for publication of issue of 6th edition of Hindi magazine Doon-vani

(uploaded on 28-02-2018)
No. 14012/3/890-हि. (वं. स.)22.02.2018

Information related to scientists having retirement
(uploaded on 26-02-2018)
No. 48-2/2016-I.C.F.R.E.19.02.2018

Circular regarding keeping the campus of Forest Research Institute clean
(uploaded on 26-02-2018)
No. 2-56/2017/ head/civil12.02.2018

Completion of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APAR) in respect of Technical Employees under category- III as per ICFRE Technical service rules-2013 for the year 2017-2018- regarding
(uploaded on 16-02-2018)
No. 24-4/TS/2017-2018-ICFRE(RB)/0822.01.2018

Completion of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports in respect of Scientific & Technical Staff of ICFRE- Instructions for writing of ACRs by a relative of a member of the services- regarding
(uploaded on 16-02-2018)
No. 24-4/TS/2017-2018-ICFRE(RB)/1025.01.2018

Regarding the retirement of employees / officers
(uploaded on 16-02-2018)
No. 48-2/2016-ICFRE07.02.2018

Notification regarding Recruitment Rules
(uploaded on 13-02-2018)
No. 52-6/2016-ICFRE(Vol.II)24.01.2018

Responsibilities and Duties Appointed for the Neeranchal National Watershed Management Project
(uploaded on 12-02-2018)
No. 4-90/Neeranchal Project/ECC&FI/201829.01.2018

Circular regarding Proforma of new Telephone Directory 2018-19 of ICFRE/FRI Offices
(uploaded on 09-02-2018)
No. 4-33/Misc./2018/AS (G)/54902.02.2018

Circular for Government House Allotment
(uploaded on 09-02-2018)
No. 4-39/2017-Bldg.31.01.2018

Waiting list for allotment of Govt. Residences at Forest Research Institute Estate, New Forest,
Dehradun for the year 2018
(uploaded on 09-02-2018)
No. 4-37/2018-Bldg.25.01.2018

Alertness circular from leopard in the Institute
(uploaded on 08-02-2018)
No. डिस -1/ प. व नि. अनु./2007/4308.02.2018

List of Gazetted and Alternative Vacations Announced during the year 2018 in Central Government Offices .
(uploaded on 29-01-2018)
No. 4-1/2010-Misc.22.01.2018

In the context of a two-minute silence on January 30, 2018, in remembrance of the martyrs who gave their lives in the freedom struggle of India .
(uploaded on 29-01-2018)
No. 8-26/2006-Misc.24.01.2018

Circular regarding Republic Day celebration.
(uploaded on 24-01-2018)
No. 9-4/2005/Publicity19.01.2018

Duties and Responsibilities of Personnel of Technical Services of ICFRE.
(uploaded on 24-01-2018)
No. 63-19/2017-ICFRE(Representative)12.01.2018

Circular regarding Immovable Property Return for the year ending 2017.
(uploaded on 24-01-2018)
No. 29011/1/2018-Alertness24.01.2018

Contract expansion for six months of King Security Guards Services Pvt. Ltd. with FRI / ICFRE (Headquarters), Dehradun.
(uploaded on 23-01-2018)
No. 03/94/2015-Ests.-III17.01.2018

Circular regarding Academic Council & Board of Management resolution.
(uploaded on 15-01-2018)
No. 2870/1-9/2017-FRIU11.01.2018

Circular regarding Project Training in labs of FRI Deemed to be University.
(uploaded on 15-01-2018)
No. 2868/1-9/2017-FRIU11.01.2018

Training programme on Edible and medicinal mushroom cultivation.
(uploaded on 11-01-2018)
No. FPD/2017/8-1811.01.2018

Regarding to the Private Foreign Visit made by government officials / employees in calendar year 2017.
(uploaded on 11-01-2018)
No. 31011/2/2009-Alertness10.01.2018

General Election of the Technical Staff Association of FRI/ICFRE, Dehradun.
(uploaded on 10-01-2018)
No. 10-36/2010-Mics.(TSA)08.01.2018

Award prize for commendable work.
(uploaded on 10-01-2018)
No. 9-24/2009/Publicity05.01.2018

Information on Effective awareness through media-reg.
(uploaded on 04-01-2018)
No. V-2/DE/EAM/2017/102620.12.2017

Submission of APAR/AWR for the year 2016-2017-regarding
(uploaded on 04-01-2018)
No. 2/9/Admin(Scientific)2016-1726.12.2017

Research Projects related order of Director FRI.
(uploaded on 02-01-2018)

Information regarding New Year Celebration.
(uploaded on 29-12-2017)
No. 7-4/2005/PLO29.12.2017

Verification of the Contractual workers on daily basis regarding.
(uploaded on 29-12-2017)
No. 03/94/2007-Estt-III19.12.2017

Submission of APAR/AWR for the year 2016-17- regarding.
(uploaded on 28-12-2017)

Order for departmental promotion
(uploaded on 28-12-2017)

Transfer order of Ministerial Staff(LDC, UDC, MTS) of FRI, Dehradun
(uploaded on 22-12-2017)
No. 21-5/2005/Ests-II22.12.2017

Organizing All India Scientific and Technical Combined Hindi Seminar.
(uploaded on 22-12-2017)
No. 33023/1/08-hindi21.12.2017
Preparation of waiting list for allotement of Govt.
Residences at Forest Research Institute Estate, New Forest, Dehradun, for the year 2018.
(uploaded on 22-12-2017)
No. 4-37/2018-Bldg.18.12.2017
Appointing/Posting order of Dr. Rajiv Pandey, Scientist-E at FRI regarding. (uploaded on 22-12-2017)
No. 11/576/1998/Estt.-108.12.2017
Re-designation of posts as indicated against the names of Research Centres functioning under the Institutes of ICFRE. (uploaded on 21-12-2017)
nO. 31-17/206-ICFRE07.12.2017
During absence/leave/tour of the Director, FRI, the Head, Silviculture Division, FRI is nominated as Link Officer with immediate effect and until further orders. (uploaded on 18-12-2017)
No. 46011/27/2008/Estt.-113.12.2017
Vigilance Awareness Week organised in FRI, Dehradun (uploaded on 18-12-2017)
No. 31011/1/2017-
Order reg. Store procedure for consumable and nonconsumable items in FRI, Dehradun (uploaded on 13-12-2017)
Handing over charge / Taking over charge reg. (uploaded on 06-12-2017)
No. - 11 /669 /2013 /
Establishment - first
Reg. Police Verification of residence (outsider) residents in FRI campus in consideration of IMA PoP (Most Urgent) (uploaded on 06-12-2017)
No. - 10 - 3 /2007 - Building1.12.2017
New thrust areas for revenue generation-reg. (uploaded on 01-12-2017)
National Fellowship for ST students for the year 2017-18 (uploaded on 01-12-2017)
National Overseas Scholarship for ST students for the year 2017-18 (uploaded on 01-12-2017)
Celebration of Constitution Day 26-Nov.-2017 (uploaded on 24-11-2017)
Shri Sunil Dutt Sharma, IFS Leaving the work head of division and Mrs Aarti Chaudhary, IFS Silviculture and Forest Management Division, will take charge of the Forest Research Institute (uploaded on 24-11-2017)
Consequent upon the relieving & repatriation of Shri Anil Kumar, prematurely from the post of Hindi Officer, FRI is pleased to relieve him (uploaded on 21-11-2017)
Transfer order of Shri Raj Pal Singh (uploaded on 21-11-2017)

Minutes of the House Allotment Committee (HAC) of F.R.I. held on 24.10.2017 for allotment/change of govt. quarters to ICFRE/FRI officials.
(uploaded on 09-11-2017)

To provide medical facilities to the beneficiaries of ICFRE
(uploaded on 03-11-2017)
No. 6-18/2017-Miscellaneous30.10.2017

Transfer of Shri V.K. Ahuja, from Forest Products Division, FRI to office of DDG (Admin) ICFRE with immediate effect, until further orders.
(uploaded on 30-10-2017)
No. 1/8/2010/Ests.-II26.10.2017

Organizing Vigilance Awareness Week from October 30, 2017 to November 04, 2017.
(uploaded on 27-10-2017)
No. 31011/1 /2017-Awareness27.10.2017

Order for Joining
(uploaded on 27-10-2017)
No. 46011/27/2006/Establishment-I26.10.2017

Circular for celebration of "Rashtriya Ekta Diwas"
(uploaded on 27-10-2017)
No. 1-04/2014-Misc.

Organizing Vigilance Awareness Week from October 30, 2017 to November 04, 2017.
(uploaded on 26-10-2017)
No. 31011/1 /2017-Awareness
Participation in the events organized by the institute in national interest (uploaded on 17-10-2017)
No. 1-27 /2017-
Departmental Promotion-Technical Services Rules-2013 (uploaded on 17-10-2017)
No.- 12018/74/2010/Establishment-first (R.R)13.10.2017
Order for Transfer (uploaded on 13-10-2017)
No. 16/776/2012-Establishment First28.09.2017
Notification of Viva-Voce Examination (uploaded on 13-10-2017)
No. 2334/10PHD110/2017-FRIDU11.10.2017
Circular for allocation of houses (uploaded on 13-10-2017)
No. 4-39/2017-
For sudden inspection of various divisions / branches / sections (uploaded on 11-10-2017)
No. 3-9-2010-Miscellaneous06.10.2017
Revision of rates of House License Fee in respect of residential accommodation at New Forest Estate, FRI (uploaded on 11-10-2017)
No. 4-2/2009-Bldg.10.10.2017
Indian Forest Service - Sponsoring of one-week refresher training courses for the officers (uploaded on 10-10-2017)
Purchase Committee (uploaded on 10-10-2017)
Revise the rate of plants for sale (uploaded on 09-10-2017)

D.U.C Notification
(uploaded on 06-10-2017)
No. 2271/12PHD224/2017-FRIDU26.09.2017

Organizing Hindi essay competition on 10.10.2017.
(uploaded on 05-10-2017)
No. 1097/2017/N. F. A. /02(Hindi)25.09.2017

Circular regarding Annual Performance Appraisal Report/Annual Work Report for the year 2017-2018.
(uploaded on 05-10-2017)
No. 23-23/2016-17 ICFRE (RB)/18906.09.2017

Order Regarding attending National Seminars/conference/workshop etc.
(uploaded on 28-09-2017)
No. 11-55/09/Edu/DM/ICFRE/23815.09.2017
Information regarding Institute G.S.T. Number (uploaded on 28-09-2017)
No. 1-1/2017/Account Office-211.08.2017
Visit of Secretary MoEF&CC Govt. of India (uploaded on 27-09-2017)
No. PS-Secy./2016-ICFRE27.09.2017
2-October-2017 Gandhi Jayanti (uploaded on 27-09-2017)
No. 10-13/2015/Publicity27.09.2017
Appointment of Hindi Translator (uploaded on 27-09-2017)
Voluntarily Retirement (uploaded on 27-09-2017)
Hindi Weekend Closing ceremony organized in FRI, Dehradun 2017 (uploaded on 19-09-2017)
No. 14-12 / 2/2010-hi19.09.2017

Regarding the closure of the office in terms of security
(uploaded on 19-09-2017)
Number 3-2 / W and W res / 2008/17719.09.2017
Retired (uploaded on 19-09-2017)
No. 48-2 / 2016-ICFRE19.09.2017
Shri S.R. Reddy has taken over the charge of ASE Silviculture and Forest Management Division FRI (uploaded on 19-09-2017)
Voluntarily Retirement of Shri Jagdish Pal Singh, Research Officer Grd-I, Forest Product Division FRI/ICFRE (uploaded on 13-09-2017)
No. 30015/1/2006-Estt.-I12.09.2017
National Forest Martyrs Day in FRI-11-Sep-2017 (uploaded on 11-09-2017)
Availing of leave by the Scientists/Researchers from ICFRE attending seminar/meeting abroad-reg. (uploaded on 05-09-2017)
No. 11-55/17/Edu/DM/ICFRE/22528-08-2017
Celebration of 71st Independence Day in FRI, Dehradun (uploaded on 09-08-2017
Circular for Minutes of The House Allotment committee (HAC) of F.R.I. held on 22.06.2017 for allotment/change of Govt. Quarters to ICFRE/FRI Officials(Uplaoded on 07.07.2017)
See Details05.07.2017
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