Walk-in-Interview for the position of Project Associate-I. (Uploaded on 20.02.2025)
| Interview date: 03-03-2025 at 09:00 A.M |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Project Fellow, Project Assistant and Field Assistant. (Uploaded on 06.01.2025)
| Interview date: 15-01-2025 at 09:00 A.M |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Project Fellow and Field Assistant. (Uploaded on 26.11.2024)
| Interview date: 04-12-2024 at 09:00 A.M |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Field Assistant. (Uploaded on 30.10.2024)
| Interview date: 08-11-2024 at 09:00 A.M |
Advertisement for the position of one Junior consultant (wood science and technology).
Eligibility criteria.
Form for Junior consultant.
(Uploaded on 15.08.2024)
| Interview date: 25-10-2024 at 10:00 A.M |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Project Fellow and Field Assistant. (Uploaded on 14.08.2024) | Interview date: 28-08-2024 at 9:00 A.M |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Programme Officer and Information Officer. (Uploaded on 12.08.2024) | Interview date: 28-08-2024 at 9:00 A.M |
Corrigendum (Uploaded on 12.07.2024)
Walk-in-interview for the position of Research Associates/SPF, Junior Project Fellow and Field Assistants. (Uploaded on 03.07.2024)
| 16-07-2024, 18-07-2024 and 19-07-2024 at 9:00 A.M |
Applications invited for Trees Outside Forests (TOF) Information Center Representatives ( Revised advertisement). (Uploaded on 22.03.2024) | 31-03-2024 |
Walk-in-interview for the position of GIS Expert ,Project Associates and Junior Research fellow/Junior Project Fellow. (Uploaded on 05.03.2024)
| Interview date: 15-03-2024 at 9:00 A.M |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior project fellow. (Uploaded on 27.02.2024)
| Interview date: 12-03-2024 at 9:00 A.M |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Project Scientist/Research Associate/Senior Project Fellow, Junior Research Fellow/ Junior Project Fellow / Project Assistant and Field Assistant. (Uploaded on 15.02.2024)
| Interview date: 06-03-2024 and 07-03-2024 at 9:00 A.M |
Applications invited for Trees Outside Forests (TOF) Information Center Representatives (Uploaded on 31.01.2024)
| 15-02-2024 |
Interview for Ph.D Program 2023 (Uploaded on 29.01.2024)
| 05/02/2024 to 09/02/2024 (9:30 AM to 5:30 PM) |
corrigendum regarding Advertisement No. 5-1/आर.सी.एस. /2024 (विज्ञापन)/(जनवरी)/, Dated 05.01.2024 (Uploaded on 09.01.2024)
Walk-in-interview for the position of Project Associate, Senior Research Fellow/ Senior Project Fellow, Junior Research Fellow/ Junior Project Fellow and Field Assistant (Uploaded on 05.01.2024)
| 17-01-2024,18-01-2024 and 19-01-2024 at 9:00 AM |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Project Fellows, Project Assistant and Field Assistant (Uploaded on 06.10.2023)
| 18-10-2023 at 9:00 AM |
corrigendum regarding Advertisement No. 5-1/RCS /2023 (Advert.)/(July), Dated 31.07.2023- the walk-in-interview will be held on Board room of Extension Division (Uploaded on 04.08.2023)
Walk-in-interview for the position of Project Scientist, Senior Research Fellow, Senior Project Fellow, Junior Research Fellow, Junior Project Fellow and Field Assistant (Uploaded on 31.07.2023)
| 10-08-2023 and 11-08-2023 at 9:00 AM |
Walk-in-Interview for Visiting Allopathic Doctor (General Physician) (Uploaded on 30.06.2023) | 07-07-2023 at 9:30 AM |
Walk-in-Interview for Allopathic Doctor (General Physician) (Uploaded on 30.06.2023) | 18-07-2023 at 9:30 AM |
Walk-in-Interview for Allopathic Doctor (General Physician) (Uploaded on 14.06.2023) | 26-06-2023 at 9:30 AM |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Senior Project Fellow, Junior Project Fellow, Project Assistant and Field Assistant. (Uploaded on 02.06.2023) | 14-06-2023,15-06-2023 and 16-06-2023 at 9:00 AM |
Advertisement for engagement of "Consultant" in the project entitled "AICRP-31 Study of Climate driven effects on Indian forests through long term monitoring by ICFRE-CAMPA" (Uploaded on 24.04.2023) | Within 10 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Project Scientist, Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow, Junior Research Fellow, Project Associate, Project Assistant and Field Assistant (Uploaded on 24.04.2023) | 03-05-2023,10-05-2023 and 11-05-2023 at 9:00 AM |
In Partial Modification of this Institute advertisement dated 03-03-2023, the Director, FRI, Dehradun invites applications from the desirous Doctors whose age is not more than 70 years to engage 01 Allopathic Doctor (General Physician) on a contractual basis at NFH (Uploaded on 10.03.2023) | 24-03-2023 at 05:00 P.M. |
Engagement of Medical Officer on contract basis at NFH (Uploaded on 03.03.2023) | 24-03-2023 at 05:00 P.M. |
Advertisement for engagement of “Consultant” for carrying out the preparation of working plan of NCT Delhi as per NWPC-2014 (Uploaded on 02.03.2023) | within 12 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Research Associate and Junior Project Fellow (Uploaded on 22.02.2023) | 02-03-2023 at 09:00 A.M. |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Programme officer, Information Officer and IT/GIS Officer. (Uploaded on 03.02.2023) | 16-02-2023 at 09:00 A.M. |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Project Scientist, Junior Project Fellow and Field Assistant. (Uploaded on 24.01.2023) | 02-02-2023 at 09:00 A.M. |
Announcement For The Position Of One Junior Consultant (Environment Management) (Uploaded on 20.01.2023) | 18-02-2023 at 05:30 P.M. |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Senior Project Fellow, Junior Research Fellows/ Junior Project Fellow, Project Assistant and Field assistant on 10-01-2023, 11-01-2023, 12-01-2023 & 13-01-2023 at 09:00 A.M. (Uploaded on 23.12.2022) | 10-01-2023, 11-01-2023, 12-01-2023 & 13-01-2023 at 09:00 A.M |
Detailed Advertisement of "Group- C Recruitment 2022" (Uploaded on 20-12-2022) | 23.01.2023 at 11:59 PM |
Advertisement of "Group- C Recruitment 2022" (Uploaded on 15-12-2022) | 19.01.2023 at 11:59 PM |
Walk-in-interview for the engagement of "Consultant" in the project entitled "Forest Fire Research and knowledge management (AICRP-14)" (Uploaded on 25-11-2022) | within 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in newspaper. |
Filling up of promotion quota posts of Technician Level-3 (Field/ Lab Research) through Limited Department Examination for the vacancies upto 31.12.2022 (Uploaded on 25-11-2022) | 28.11.2022 |
Engagement of IT-Expert for AICRP project of ICFRE on contract basis (Uploaded on 14-11-2022) | 01-12-2022 last date.
( Interview will be conducted on 02-12-2022) |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Research Associate, Junior Project Fellow, Project Assistant and Field assistant on 06 to 07-10-2022 and 11 to 12-10-2022. (Uploaded on 26.09.2022) | 06 to 07.10.2022 and 11 to 12.10.2022 at 9:00 AM |
Advertisement for engagement of consultant under AICRP-14 project entitled "Forest Fire Research and Knowledge Management" (Uploaded on 15.09.2022) | within 21 days |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Project Fellow (JPF). (Uploaded on 05.08.2022) | 22.08.2022 at 9:00 AM |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Senior Project Fellow (SPF), Junior Project Fellow (JPF) and Young Professional-I. (Uploaded on 20.07.2022) | 27.07.2022 at 9:00 AM |
The Applications are invited for Engagement of Field Work Manager in the project entitled "Study on Silvicultural Interventions for Enhancement of Regeneration of Sal (Shorea robusta)". (Uploaded on 04.07.2022) | within 15 days from the date of advertisement. |
Engagement of Data Manager (Uploaded on 17.06.2022) | 01.07.2022 |
Engagement of IT-Expert for execution of activities on contract basis for the development of Biodiversity Information System (BIS) under externally funded project. (Uploaded on 17.06.2022) | 01.07.2022 |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Project Fellow (JPF), Project Assistant (PA) and Field Assistant (FA). (Uploaded on 13.06.2022) | 16.06.2022 and 17.06.2022 at 9:00 AM |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Project Fellows (JPFs), Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) and Field Assistant (FAs). (Uploaded on 09.05.2022) | 19.05.2022 at 9:00 AM |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Project Fellows (JPFs), Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) and Field Assistant (FAs) has been cancelled due to some administrative reasons. (Uploaded on 27.04.2022) | |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Project Fellows (JPFs), Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) and Field Assistant (FAs) (Uploaded on 18.04.2022) | 28.04.2022 at 9:00 AM |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Senior Project Fellows (SPFs), Junior Research Fellows (JRFs), Junior Project Fellows (JPFs), Project Assistant (PA) and Field Assistant (FAs) (Uploaded on 29.03.2022) | 05.03.2022 and 06.03.2022 at 9:00 AM |
The Direstor, FRI, Dehradun invite applications for the engagement of Consultant in the project entitled 'Forest Fire Research and knowledge Management (AICRP-14)' (Uploaded on 22.03.2022) | within 15 days from the date of advertisement. |
Walk-in-interview For The Position Of One Junior Consultant (Forestry). (Uploaded on 22.02.2022) | 12.03.2022 |
Applications are invited to engage one Radiologists (part time) on Contract Basis at New Forest Hospital, FRI, Dehradun (Uploaded on 11.01.2022) | 31.01.2022 |
Walk-in-interview for the position of junior Project Fellows (JPFs) (Uploaded on 10.12.2021) | 28.12.2021 (9:00 AM) |
Short Term Engagement of Data Manager (Uploaded on 22.11.2021) | 30.11.2021 (5:00 PM) |
corrigendum regarding Advertisement No. 5-1/RCS /2021 (Advert.)/(September-2), Dated 16.09.2021 For the Fellowship/position of Research Associate (Uploaded on 24.09.2021)
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Research Associates (RAs), Senior Project Fellow (SPF), Junior Project Fellows (JPSs) and Project Assistants (PA) (Uploaded on 17.09.2021) | 29.09.2021 and 05.10.2021 at 9:00 AM |
Application are invited from eligible candidates for engagement as "Forestry Expert" for carrying out the preparation of working plan of NCT Delhi (Uploaded on 08.09.2021) | within 10 days from the date of publication of this advertisement |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Project Fellows(JPF) (Uploaded on 03.09.2021) | 09.09.2021 at 9:00 AM |
OMR Based Written Examination Schedule for the post of Technical Assistant and MTS (Uploaded on 01.09.2021) | 03.10.2021 |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Project Fellows (JPFs)/ Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Project Assistant (PA) and Field Assistant (FA) (Uploaded on 26.08.2021) | 08.09.2021 and 09.09.2021 at 9:00 AM |
corrigendum regarding order No. 5-1/RCS /2021 (Advert.)/(july), Dated 16.07.2021 of Research & Coordination Section (Uploaded on 19.07.2021)
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Senior Peoject Fellow (SPF)/ Junior Project Fellows (JPFs), Project Assistant (PA) and Field Assistants (FA) (Uploaded on 16.07.2021) | 28.07.2021, 29.07.2021 and 30.07.2021 at 9:00 AM |
Advertisement For Engagement For Junior Consultant In Environment Management On Contract Basis At FRI Deemed To Be University (Uploaded on 12.07.2021) | 27.07.2021 |
Extension of date of receiving of application for the selection of trainees under the project "Skilled Development in Parataxonomy for Local Communities of Gangotri- Govind and Darma- Byans Valley of Uttarakhand". (Uploaded on 15.06.2021) | 30.06.2021 |
Advertisement for the selection of trainees for training programme under project "Skilled Development in Parataxonomy for Local Communities of Gangotri- Govind and Darma- Byans Valley of Uttarakhand". (Uploaded on 16.04.2021) | 31.05.2021 |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Senior Project Fellow(SPF), Junior Project Fellow (JPF) and Project Assistant (PAs) (Uploaded on 16.03.2021) | 24.03.2021 at 9.00 AM |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Senior Project Fellow(SPF), Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ Junior Project Fellow (JPF) and Project Assistant (PAs) (Uploaded on 09.03.2021) | 16.03.2021, 17.03.2021, 18.03.2021 and 19.03.2021 at 9:00 AM |
Applications are invited for the engagement of Data Manager (02 no.) (Uploaded on 04.03.2021) | 15.03.2021 |
Schedule of Group 'C' Recruitment 2020-21 Examination for Steno Grade-II and Library Information Assistant (Uploaded on 16.02.2021) | 21.03.2021 |
advertisement for engagement of “Consultant/ Subject matter Specialist” for carrying out the task of Preparation of Working Plan of Chandigarh Forest Division, Department of Forests and Wildlife, Chandigarh Administration (Uploaded on 21.01.2021) | 5 February, 2021 |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Senior Project Fellow (SPF)/ Junior Project Fellow (JPF) (Uploaded on 13.01.2021) | 22.01.2021 at 9:00 AM |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ Junior Project Fellow (JPF), Project Assistant (PAs) and Field Assistant (FA) (Uploaded on 30.12.2020) | 07.01.2021 and 08.01.2021 at 9:00 AM |
Result of the Written exam held on 28.10.2020 at FRIDU at 2:30 PM for the selection of Office clerk/ Computer Operator (Uploaded on 05.11.2020) | |
Answer key of the Written exam held on 28.10.2020 at FRIDU at 2:30 PM for the selection of Office clerk/ Computer Operator (Uploaded on 05.11.2020) | |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Senior Project Fellow (SPF), Junior Project Fellow (JPF), Project Assistant (PA) (Uploaded on 28.10.2020) | 10.11.2020 and 11.11.2020 at 9:00 AM |
Notice for Gate Entry for candidates for trade test/ written exam for selection of Office Clerk/ Computer Operator on 28-10-2020 to be held at FRIDU for the Indian Forester Office (Uploaded on 27.10.2020) | |
Notice of written exam on 28-10-2020 for the post of Office Clerk/ Computer Operator for the Indian Forester Office (Uploaded on 16.10.2020) | |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF)/ Senior Project Fellow (SPF), Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ Junior Project Fellow (JPF),Project Assistant (PA) and Field Assistant (FA). (Uploaded on 01.10.2020) | 09.10.2020 , 12.10.2020 and 13.10.2020 at 9:00 AM |
Engagement of Medical Officer in New Forest Hospital, FRI on contractual basis. (Uploaded on 02.09.2020) | 23.09.2020 |
Group 'C' Recruitment 2020 - Register here (Uploaded on 17.08.2020) | 15.09.2020 |
Engagement of Physiotherapist in New Forest Hospital, FRI on contractual basis. (Uploaded on 30.06.2020)
Corrigendum (Uploaded on 02.07.2020) | 13.07.2020 |
Advertisement for engagement of "Consultant/ Subject matter Specialist" for carrying out the task of "Preparation of Working Plan of Chandigarh Forest Division.. (Uploaded on 12.06.2020) | 30.06.2020 |
Extension of date for submission of application for Chair of Excellence (Uploaded on 24.03.2020) | 15 April 2020 |
Notice for Postponement of the date of Trade Test / Written Exam for the post of Office Clerk / Computer Operator for the Indian Forester Office till further notice (Uploaded on 18.03.2020) | |
Advertisement for engagement of "Consultant/ Subject Matter Specialist" for carrying out the task of Preparation of Working Plan of Chandigarh Forest Division, Department of Forest and Wildlife, Chandigarh Administration as per WPC 2014. (Uploaded on 13.03.2020) | withing 10 days from the date of publication(13.03.2020) of this advertisement. |
Notice of Written Exam on 27-03-2020 to publish in website for The Indian Forester (Uploaded on 11.03.2020) | |
Advertisement for engagement of Chair of Excellence (Uploaded on 20.02.2020) | 25.03.2020 |
Notice for shortlisted candidate for Office Clerk/Computer Operator for The Indian Forester Office, FRI, Dehradun (Uploaded on 18.02.2020) | 3rd week of March 2020 |
Notification for Walk-in-Interview to be held for the positions of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) / Junior Project Fellows (JPF), Project Assistant (PA) and Field Assistant (FA) purely on temporary basis, in the Board Room of FRI Main Building, P.O. New Forest, Dehradun. (Uploaded on 06.02.2020) | 18.02.2020 and 20.02.2020 at 9:00 AM |
Corrigendum regarding the advertisement published earlier on 10 January, 2020 of the walk-in-interview to be held at FRI, Dehradun for the recruitment of Research Associate (RA), Senior Project Fellow (SPF), Junior Research Fellow / Junior Project Fellow (JRF/JPF), Project Assistant (PA) and Field Assistant (FA) (Uploaded on 21.01.2020) | |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Research Associate (RA), Senior Research Fellow/Senior Project Fellow (SRF/SPF), Junior Research Fellow/Junior Project Fellow (JRF/JPF) and Project Assistants (PA) (Uploaded on 10.01.2020) | Walk in Interview on 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28 & 29 January, 2020 from 10.00 AM onwards. |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Research Associate (RA), Senior Research Fellow/Senior Project Fellow (SRF/SPF), Junior Research Fellow/Junior Project Fellow (JRF/JPF) and Project Assistants (PA) (Uploaded on 09.01.2020) | Walk in Interview on 16.01.2020 at 10:00 am |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Senior Project Fellow (SPF), Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) and Field Assistants (FAs) (Uploaded on 20.12.2019) | Walk in Interview on 27.12.2019 at 10:00 am |
Vacancy one office clerk/computer operator for The Indian Forester Office, FRI, Dehradun (Uploaded on 25.11.2019) | 25.12.2019 |
Correction letter regading Walk-in-interview for the position of Senior Project Fellow (SPF), Junior Research Fellows (JRFs), Junior Project Fellows (JPFs), Project Assistants (PA) and Field Assistants (FA). (Uploaded on 14.11.2019) | Walk in Interview on 19.11.2019 and 20.11.2019 |
Advertisement for the post of Consultant/ Subject matter specialist under the project "DPR Prepration for Rejuvenation of Yamuna River through Forestry Interventions". (Uploaded on 11.11.2019) | within 15 days from the date of this advertisement
(Date of Advertisement : 01.11.2019) |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Senior Project Fellow (SPF), Junior Research Fellows (JRFs), Junior Project Fellows (JPFs), Project Assistants (PA) and Field Assistants (FA). (Uploaded on 11.11.2019) | Walk in Interview on 19.11.2019 and 20.11.2019 |
Engagement of IT-Expert for execution of activities on contract basis for the development of Biodiversity Information System (BIS) under externally funded project. (Uploaded on 29.10.2019) | 11.11.2019 |
Schedule of Group "C" Recruitment Re-Examination | |
Adversement for engagement of "Forestry Expert " for carrying out Monitoring and Evaluation of the works carried out by Uttarakhand Department under CAMPA scheme.
(Updated on 25.09.2019) | within 10 days from the date of publication of this advertisement |
Walk-in-interview for Junior Research Fellows (JRFs), Junior Project Fellows (JPFs) and Project Assistant (PA) ", FRI, Dehradun.
(Updated on 19.09.2019) | 30.09.2019 (09.00 AM) |
Junior Project Fellows are required in the project "DPR Preparation for Rejuvenation of Yamuna River through Forestry Interventions", FRI, Dehradun.
(Updated on 16.09.2019) | 24.09.2019 (10.00 AM) |
Walk-in-interview for the position of JRF/JPF, Project Assistant and Field Assistant
(Updated on 05.09.2019) | 11.09.2019 (9:00 AM) |
advertisement for engagement of "Experts" for carrying out Monitoring and Evaluation of the work carried out by Uttarakhand Forest Department under CAMPA schemes.
(Updated on 02.09.2019) | within 10 days for the date of publication of this advertisement |
Filling up of promotion quota posts of Technician Level-3 (Field/Lab Research) through limited departmental examination
(Updated on 24.07.2019) | 31.08.2019 |
Group 'C' recruitment 2018 - Re-examination - Register here
Re-exam notice English
Re-exam notice Hindi | Updated on 18.07.2019
Last Date 31.08.2019 extended upto 10.10.2019 |
Application are invited for the engagement of Data Manager (2 no.)
(Updated on 03.07.2019) | 22.07.2019 |
advertisement for "Determine the environmental compensation payable for the illegal mining sites at Ganga river near Haridwar".
(Updated on 02.07.2019) | within one (01) week from the date of advertisement. |
Application are invited for the engagement of Data Manager (1 no.)
(Updated on 29.05.2019) | 10.06.2019 |
Consultants/Subject Matter Specialists are required in the project "DPR Preparation for Rejuvenation of Yamuna River through Forestry Interventions", FRI, Dehradun.
(Updated on 28.05.2019) | within 15 days |
Walk-in-interview for the position of SPF, JRF, JPF, Project Assistant, Field Assistant and Project Intern."
(Updated on 21.05.2019) | 30.05.2019, 06.06.2019 and 07.06.2019 |
Advertisement for the selection of Trainees for Training Programme under project "Skilled Development in Parataxonomy for Local Communities of Gangotri- Govind and Darma- Byans Valley of Uttarakhand"
(Updated on 21.05.2019) | 20.06.2019 |
filling up of promotion quota posts of Technician Level-3
(Updated on 07.05.2019) | 20.05.2019 |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Project Fellow (JPF) and Field Assistant (FA)
(Updated on 22.04.2019) | 23.04.2019 |
Application are invited for the engagement of senior data manager- climate change (1 No.)
(Updated on 04.04.2019) | 16.04.2019 |
Group 'C' Recruitment Examination Marks 2018 | Click to see detail |
Expression of Interest is invited for engagement of "Two Experts" for carrying out Monitoring and evaluation of the works carried out by Punjab Forest Department under CAMPA and greening Punjab Mission schemes.
(Updated on 25.02.2019) | See Details in Advertisement
(Updated on 13.03.2019) |
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान, देहरादून में विभिन्न समूह "सी" पदों के लिए भर्ती
(विज्ञापन संख्या / Advertisement No. - 1/FRI/GC/2018 )
(Updated on 13.02.2019) | - |
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान, देहरादून में विभिन्न समूह "सी" पदों के लिए भर्ती
(विज्ञापन संख्या / Advertisement No. - 1/FRI/GC/2018 )
(Updated on 13.02.2019) | - |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Junior Research Fellow (JRFs)/Junior Project Fellows (JPFs) and Field Assistant (FA).
(uploaded on 04-02-2019) | 12.02.2019 on 9:00 AM |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Field/Museum Guides
(uploaded on 21-01-2019) | 04.02.2019 on 9:00 AM |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Research Associates (RAs), Junior Research Fellows (JRFs)/Junior Project Fellows (JPFs), Project Assistant (PA) and Field Assistant (FA).
(uploaded on 15-11-2018) | 27.11.2018 and 28.11.2018 on 9:00 AM |
Filling up of posts of Technician level-3 (Field/Lab Research) through Limited Departmental Examination.
(uploaded on 12-10-2018) | 18.10.2018 |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) and Field/ Assistant (FA).
(uploaded on 24-09-2018) | 09:00 AM on 04.10.2018 |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Research Fellows (JRFs), Junior Project Fellow (JPF), Project Assistant (PA) & and Field Assistant (FA).
(uploaded on 29-08-2018) | 09:00 AM on 11.09.2018 |
Request for Expression of Interest (EoI) for engaging Technical Fellow/Computer Operator.
(uploaded on 27-08-2018) | Last Date of Application: 07.09.2018 (03:00PM) |
Request for Expression of Interest (EoI) for engaging NRM Experts.
(uploaded on 09-08-2018) | Last Date of Application: 20 August 2018 (03:00PM) |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Senior Project Fellow (SPF) , Junior Project Fellow
(JPF), Field Assistant (FA) purely on contractual basis.(uploaded on 27-07-2018) | Date of Interview : 10 August, 2018 |
Corrigendum(uploaded on 28-06-2018)
Walk-in-interview for the position of Research Associate (RA) , Junior Project Fellow
(JPF), Field Assistant (FA)/ and Project Assistant (PA) purely on contractual basis.(uploaded on 26-06-2018) | Date of Interview : 04 July and 05 July, 2018 |
Advertisement for Junior Consultant in Forestry.(uploaded on 20-06-2018) | Last Date of Application Submission : 20th July, 2018 (for remote areas 27th July, 2018). |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Research Associate (RA) , Senior Research Fellow
(SRF), Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ and Project Assistant (PA) purely on contractual basis.(uploaded on 19-06-2018) | Date of Interview : 28 June 2018 (9 am) |
Applications are invited for the short term engagement of senior data managers. (1 no.)(uploaded on 13-06-2018) | Date of Interview : 22 June 2018 |
Advertisement for Studentship / Traineeship at Bioinformatics Centre, FRI Dehradun (Monthly Stipend Rs. 10,000 pm) | Last Date: 20 May 2018 |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Project Fellow (JPF) & Project Assistant (PA) (uploaded on 06-06-2018) | Interview Date: 12 June, 2018 (9:00 AM onwards) |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Project Fellow (JPF), Field Assistant (FA) & Project Assistant (PA) (uploaded on 11-05-2018) | Last Date: 15 May, 16 May, 17 May 2018 (9:00 AM) |
वन अनुसंधान संस्थान, देहरादून में विभिन्न समूह "सी" पदों के लिए भर्ती
(विज्ञापन संख्या / Advertisement No. - 1/FRI/GC/2018 ) | Last Date: 21-April-2018
See details
Regarding recruitment of Junior Consultant in (Wood Science & Technology) on Temporary/Contractual basis
(uploaded on 21-03-2018) | Last Date: See details |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) & Field Assistant (FA)
(uploaded on 20-03-2018) | Last Date: 20.03.2018 before 09:00 AM |
Request for Expression of Interest (EoI) for engaging Experts
(uploaded on 19-03-2018) | Last Date: 26.03.2018 before 03:00 PM |
Appointment Circular for Forest Range Officer on Contract basis at Forest Research Institute
(uploaded on 15-03-2018) | Last Date: 23.03.2018 |
Regarding recruitment of Senior Research Fellow and Junior Research Fellow
(uploaded on 16-02-2018) | Last Date: See details |
Request for Expression of Interest (EoI) for engaging CBSA Experts & other projects professionals
(uploaded on 02-02-2018) | Last Date: before 16.02.2018 (03:00PM) |
Advertisement for appointment to the four (04) medical officers on contractual basis for appointment in New Forest Hospital, Forest Research Institute.
(uploaded on 10-01-2018) | Last Date: before 29.01.2018 |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
(uploaded on 05-01-2018) | 09.01.2018 at 09:00AM |
Engagement of expert under the project of Monitoring and Evaluation of plantations raised under (CAMPA) in the state of Uttarakhand.
(uploaded on 04-01-2018) | - |
Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Engaging Capacity Building Specialist.
(uploaded on 04-01-2018) | Last Date: before 15.01.2018 at 03:00PM |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF/RA) (uploaded on 21-11-2017) | Last Date (28.11.2017 and 01.12.2017 at 10:00AM) |
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (uploaded on 23-10-2017) | Last Date (01.11.2017 at 10:00AM) |
J. R. F. & regarding the Recruitment of Project Assistant (uploaded on 13-10-2017) | Last Date (25.10.2017 at 10:00AM) |
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of UDC (uploaded on 10-10-2017) | Last Date (16.10.2017) |
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of LDC (uploaded on 10-10-2017) | Last Date (16.10.2017) |
Filling up of posts of LDC through Limited Departmental Examination. (Uploaded on 05.10.2017) | Last Date (13.10.2017) |
Appointment of Subject Expert for preparation of Road Map for Ecological Restoration works in Coal Mines of NCL (Uploaded on 20.09.2017) | Last Date (03.10.2017) |
Walk-in-Interview Applications are invited for the positions of Senior Data Manager-Climate Change at FRI, Dehradun (Uploaded on 04.09.2017) | 12-Sep-2017 (9:00 AM) |
Applications are invited for the positions of Junior Consultants on Contractual basis at FRI Deemed University from registrar office, FRI Deemed University (Uploaded on 17.07.2017) | Last Date 30.08.2017 (08.09.2017 for remote areas) |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Research Fellows (JRF) and Project Assistant (PA) at FRI, Dehradun (Uploaded on 09-08-2017) | 18.08.2017 and 22.08.2017 10:00 AM
Applications are invited for the engagement of Senior data manager -Climate change (one)(Uploaded on 23.06.2017) | Interveiw Date(03.07.2017 at 9:00 AM) |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Senior Research Fellows (SRF), Junior Research Fellows (JRF) and Field Assistant (FA) at FRI, Dehradun (Uploaded on 05-05-2017) | 12.05.2017 at 09:00 am |
Walk-in-interview for the position of Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) and Field Assistant (FA) at FRI, Dehradun (Uploaded on 15-03-2017) | 21.03.2017 at 9:00 am |