Three day training programme on “Advances in Agroforestry Practices for Income Enhancement” w.e.f. 17 to 19 October, 2022 for other Stakeholders as NGOs/SHGs, and farmers from different states of Punjab, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Chandigarh at FRI Dehradun sponsored by Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, New Delhi has been concluded today. 25 participants from various above categories of these states were participated in the training.
Smt. Richa Misra, Head, Extension Division concluded the valedictory of this training programme on 19.10.2022. She made an appeal to all the trainees to adopt the agroforestry techniques and generate livelihood in their respective areas. She also said that this work may be done by making small self help groups of people for agro based cottages industries in a local area and the information given on the agroforestry will certainly beneficial for the participants and they will apply this in their respective localities. She told that even after this training programme, trainees may take any advice regarding forestry by making queries telephonically on Vaniki Help Line of the Institute. She congratulated the trainees and team of Extension Division for successful completion of the training programme. Certificates were also given by Head Extension Division, FRI to the participants on this occasion. Participants of this programme were given thanks and appreciation to the faculties, officers and staffs of Extension Division for conducting and well managed this fruitful training programme.
The closing ceremony programme was hosted by Shri Rambir Singh, Scientist and given vote of thanks to all participants and other dignitaries. Dr. Charan Singh, Scientist-F, Extension Division, Heads of different Divisions of the institute and other scientists, Dr. Devendra Kumar Scientist-E, Shri Vijay Kumar, ACF and Shri Khimanand, STA, Shri Ramesh Singh, Assistant and Shri Tarunpal, Technician of Extension Division were also present on this occasion.