Silviculture and Forest Management Division of FRI, Dehradun is organizing One-week Compulsory Training Course for IFS Officers on “Forest Fire Monitoring and Damage Assessment” w.e.f. 01st to 05th August, 2022. About 23 IFS officers from 16 states are participating in the training course. On the first day of the training course (01st August, 2022), Sh. R.P. Singh, IFS, Head, Silviculture and Forest Management (S&FM) Division of FRI and Course Coordinator of the training course welcomed the participants and explained about the one-week training course. The inaugural address was delivered by Dr. Renu Singh, Director, FRI. Madam detailed about importance of forest fire monitoring and damage assessment. During the inaugural session, the participant IFS officers, various Head of the Divisions, Scientists and officers of FRI were present. The training course is coordinated by Ms. Vijaya Ratre, IFS, DCF, Silviculture and Forest Management Division of FRI. After the inaugural session, the second session was delivered by Sh. R.P. Singh, IFS, Head, S&FM Division of FRI on the topic “Forest fire in Global and National Perspective”. The post-lunch session (third session) was taken by Dr. Sunil Chandra, FSI, Dehradun on “Burnt Area Monitoring Analysis”. The last session of the first day training course on “Forest Fire Danger Rating System and Forest Fire Monitoring: Lessons from Across the World” was delivered by Sh. E. Vikram, IFS, CF, Himachal Pradesh. With this lecture, the first day of the training course was completed.
The second day of the training course (02nd August, 2022) was started with the lecture on “Forest Fire Monitoring and Assessment using Satellite, Remote Sensing in Himalayan Context” by Dr. Hitendra Padalia, Head, Forestry & Ecology Department, IIRS, Dehradun. This was followed by the lecture on “Community Participation in Forest Fire: Risk, Reduction and Resilience” by Dr. Surya Prakash, Prof. & Head, Geo-Meteorological Risk Division, NIDM. The post-lunch session began with the lecture on “Introduction to Canadian Fire Danger Rating System and its Potential Application in Indian Context” by Sh. Vaibhav Singh, IFS, DFO, Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand. This was followed by visit to Forest Survey of India (FSI). With this, the second day of the training course was completed.