On this occasion an exhibition was organized in FRI main building on the theme “Forests and sustainable production and consumption”. The exhibition was inaugurated by Sh. R.P. Singh, IFS, Director (In-Charge), FRI. In this exhibition, Scientific and Technical knowledge was given to the public through posters and other display materials. All Heads of Divisions, Scientists and Officers of FRI were present on this occasion. Forest Protection Division displayed Eco friendly technologies developed in form of posters and exhibits. The bio-fertilizers developed for different forest tree species growing in various environmental conditions involving mycorrhiza and bacteria were also displayed. Silviculture Division displayed the seeds of various species which included timber, medicinal, oil seeds, agro-forestry and different type of meditational plants with their importance and uses. Chemistry Div. displayed the development of natural dyes from plant biomass and fabrics dyed with natural dyes; natural fibers derived from pine needles and items made of pine fibers. Genetics &Tree Propagation Div. displayed important tree species like Dalbergia Sissoo, Melia dubia, Azadirachta Indica, Salvadora, Bamboo and Ringal etc. A Photo competition was also organized on Forestry and Nature theme. Wood Anatomy Discipline shared the information about the need of timber identification by displaying posters on procedure of wood identification process. Extension Div arrange an Essay and Painting Competition, in which students of Navodaya and Kendriya Vidyalayas were participated.