Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, New Delhi has appointed Dr. Renu Singh as Director of the premier Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. Dr. Renu Singh is an officer of Indian Forest Service of 1990 batch belonging to Madhya Pradesh cadre. She has joined as Director, FRI today 28th March, 2022. Until now, Shri A. S. Rawat, Director General, ICFRE was holding additional Charge of Director, FRI as well.
She is well read and has a bouquet of higher educational qualification to her credit. She holds M.Sc. Degree in Botany and Forestry as well as M. Phil in Botany from Meerut University, Meerut. She was awarded Ph. D. on “Gender, Participation and community forestry: The case of joint forest management in Madhya Pradesh” by the University of Wales, United Kingdom. Before joining FRI as Director, she was working as Additional Managing Director of Madhya Pradesh Forest Development Corporation at Bhopal and has wide experience of working in various capacities in Government of Madhya Pradesh.
Dr Renu Singh has an extensive experience in Forest Policy, Forest Management and Research Issues. She has special interest in gender and development, climate change adaptation and mitigation issues in the forestry sector. She has participated and represented various biodiversity, forest and climate change related issues in international conventions like United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). As a field practitioner, she has vast experience of implementing Joint forest management practices involving rural communities and addressing their livelihood related needs from forest while working in Madhya Pradesh Forest Department.