Training on “Instrumentation (Data Analysis and Interpretation – LCMS & NMR)”
A 5 days Training on “Instrumentation (Data Analysis and Interpretation – LCMS & NMR)” organized by Chemistry & Bioprospecting Division, ICFRE- Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun is commenced today on 12th June, 2023. Altogether 10 scientists from different institutes of Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE) namely ICFRE-AFRI, Jodhpur, ICFRE-FRI, Dehradun, ICFRE- IFB, Hyderabad, ICFRE-IFP, Ranchi, ICFRE-IWST, Bengaluru. ICFRE-RFRI, Jorhat and ICFRE- TFRI, Jabalpur are attending the training. This training is aimed to advance the analytical capabilities of the scientists of the ICFRE working in the area of natural products by imparting them knowledge and skills for use of advance instrumentation techniques of LC-MS and NMR. Inaugurating the training in the Board Room of the FRI, the chief guest Dr. Renu Singh, Director, FRI highlighted the role of LC-MS and NMR techniques not only in probing the chemical diversity of the trees but also in identification of their novel chemical entities. She called upon the trainee scientists to utilize the experiences of the training in their ongoing and forthcoming research programmes. Welcoming the chief guest and trainee participants, convener Dr. S.S. Bisht, Scientist-E briefed about the schedule of the programme comprising of 8 technical sessions including lectures and laboratory demonstrations by the experts from the FRI, Dehradun, IIT, Roorkee, CSIR-CDRI, CSIR-IHBT, NIPER, Mohali and Agilent Technologies (India). The session was ended with vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Vineet Kumar, Scientist-G. This training is financially supported by the ICFRE, Dehradun.