Empowering through capacity building of rural poor’s by application of appropriate technology for better utilization of non-wood forest products (NTFPs) and forest invasive species (FIS). Provide training to the farmers and artisans on propagation, nursery development, harvesting and utilization as well as value addition of NTFP’s. Technology intervention for utilization of NTFP’s and forest invasive species (FIS) for better economy and livelihood. Training to villagers, forest departments, Ecotask force and artisans on Ringal technologies and conservation Radio talk on Bamboo utilization and propagation technologies Demonstrations of technologies in all programmes of FRI Presentations in national and international conferences.
Botany Division of Forest Research Institute (FRI) Dehra Dun is one of the six disciplines established in 1906 in the erstwhile Imperial Forest Research Institute. The Division is aimed at carrying out forestry research activities in the subject of forest botany under its three disciplines namely, Systematic Botany, Plant Physiology and Wood Anatomy. Target areas of research include the components of forest biodiversity and biotechnological significance, lesser known floristic diversity of environmentally sensitive areas, wood anatomy of tree and other ligneous species, vegetative ultiplication and physiological knowledge and, its application and integration for the welfare of the society and strategic planning.
The discipline was started in 1906 as one of the six initial disciplines of the Institute with an aim to inventorize, revise and publish forest floras and to develop a herbarium, botanical garden, bambusetum and arboretum.
The Herbarium
Herbarium of the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun which is internationally known as Dehra Dun herbarium (DD) was originally started by James Sykes Gamble in 1890 as the Forest School herbarium with his own collections from Madras and Bengal, and private herbaria of several forest officers presented to the School. In 1908, the Saharanpur herbarium which was started in 1816 was also transferred to Dehra Dun herbarium. Dr George Govan was appointed the first Superintendent of the Saharanpur Botanic Garden in 1816. He collected plants mainly in the adjacent Sirmoor State, now in Himachal Pradesh. Dr. John Forbes Royle succeeded Dr. George Govan in 1823. He collected plants in the adjacent Himalayas. Dr. Huge Falconer succeeded Royle in 1831 and sent his collectors to Kashmir and Ladakh. Dr. William Jameson succeeded Dr. Falconer in 1842. After Jameson’s retirement in 1876, the post of Superintendent went outside the medical service and John Firminger Duthie was appointed as his successor. During Duthie’s time Gamble was vigorously building up the Forest School Herbarium at Dehra Dun. Other classical collections of the late 19th Century are by John Ellerton Stocks, Aitchison and from various northern borders and military expeditions. After the amalgamation, Dehra Dun herbarium grew in proportion and prominent botanist like J.S. Gamble, Henry Haselfoot, Haines, Robert Selby Hole, R.N. Parker, U.N. Kanjilal, P.C. Kanjilal, B.L Gupta, C.E. Parkinson, N.L. Bor, M.B. Raizada, K.C. Sahni, K.M. Vaid, K.N. Bahadur, S.S.R. Bennet, R.C. Gaur, Sas. Biswas, H.B. Naithani, Ms. Veena Chandra, Ram Dayal, S.S. Jain, Sumer Chandra, Anup Chandra, Ms. Ranjana, P.K Verma deposited their collections in the Herbarium. In the recent years, excellent collections have been added from some of the under explored regions of India. Besides the departmental collections, there are notable collections by Falconer ,Brandis, Thwaits, Strachey, J.H. Lace , Lowrie, Gammie , G. Mann, Rogers, Drummond , A.E. Osmaston, Talbot, Keshwanand Mamgain , H.G. Champion, R.R. Stewart, N.D. Bachketi. In addition to the excellent collection of Phanerogams of India and other countries of the World, the herbarium has a valuable collection of Cryptogams.
The original herbarium was located in the Forest School, Dehra Dun city and later shifted to the imperial Forest Research Institute then located at Chandbagh (now Doon School). The Institute was again shifted to the present site (New Forest) in 1929 together with the herbarium. A modern, fully air-conditional building on the design of Edinburgh and Kew herbaria was build up in the F.R.I Campus and the Dehra Dun Herbarium was shifted in its new site in 1978. The collections, which contained over 0.3 million specimens, stored in 200 stationary wooden almirahs most of which were stifled within pigeon holes.
Realizing the problem expansion cum modernization of Dehra Dun Herbarium executed in the beginning of the year 2017. With this expanded part, the herbarium building now comprises of two sections, in the ground floor there is Dicot section with mobile herbarium compactors and state to art facilities along with well equipped digitization lab whereas, the top floor is hosting the Gymnospermic, monocotyledonous and Cryptogamic (pteridophytic and bryophytic) collections and facilitating their study.
The Dehra Dun Herbarium contains approximately 350000 specimens with the generous donation of ca. 20,000 specimens from Prof. Somdava’s private collection in the year 2016 enriching its holding remarkably. The system of classification of plant specimens followed is that of Bentham & Hooker. The oldest collection dates back to 1807. Besides collections from the Indian region, herbarium contains specimens from all over the world on account of herbarium specimens exchange probably in early 20th century through then established botanical exchange societies. In addition to the phanerogams the herbarium has valuable collections of Pteridophytes. It also includes invaluable 1300 NomenclaturalTypes or Typespecimens of newly described taxa.
Expeditions sent out from this herbarium have explored many unexplored and underexplored parts of India viz. Indo- Nepal and Indo-Tibet border, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Gir Forests, erstwhile Tehri Garhwal state, Sikkim, Goa, Daman & Diu and Ladakh.
The collections housed in this herbarium have been of inestimable value to specialist of different groups/Families/genera in revisionary/monographic work all over the world in having a better understanding of the groups they study.
The Herbarium serves as a ready reference in collecting information on rare and threatened plant diversity and their habitats, it also has many unknown or little known uses of plants recorded on their sheets. Besides, it serves many other educational purposes.
Adjuncts: The Herbarium has carpological museum as its adjunct. It has approximately 1000 samples of fruits / seeds, some of which cannot be preserved with the herbarium specimens. It supports in the morphological studies and in identifying fruits and seeds of plants from different parts of the country without resource to microscopic details.
Digitization of DD Herbarium specimens: With aim to computerize DD Herbarium for the easy and quick identification the process of digitization was started during 90s. Since then, a lot of progress has been done in the field of computer applications. With new technology, digitization of DD Herbarium is being carried out since 2008. The current herbarium database, named Digital Herbarium Specimen Database was developed to serve as a computerized catalogue of the DD collections.
The Botanical Garden
Botanical Graden
The Botanical Garden was established in 1925 by R.N. Parker who established seed exchange relations with a large number of institutions in India and abroad, accomplished a great deal of planting. Parkinson carried on the task following Parker’s plants and the garden was established. The first list of plants growing in New Forest Campus was published in (1936). Raizada and Hingorani (1954) published a list of 1972 plants including trees, bamboos, shrubs and climbers growing in the Arboretum and Botanical Garden of the estate. About 500 exotics from different parts of the world are also represented. The botanical garden covers an area of 10 hac having all plant tagged with their botanical names, family and country of origin. Although the introductions were made in large numbers but some have failed for a variety of reasons such as frost attack, insect and fungal attack etc. The plants were arranged alphabetically in the list along with its family name, habit origin, phenology and place of growing etc. Gupta et al. (1988) has also made a similar attempt in bringing out a list of plants growing in the Arboretum of Forest Research Institute. About 424 plant species (including Arboretums) have been listed out and 50% are exotics. The garden was started during the rains of 1934. Plants from a fruticetum which had started several years before and later abandoned in the New Forest Estate were transferred to the new site to mark the beginning of the Botanical Garden. The garden has been divided into 8 sectors separated by the paths and avenues. Nearly 1500 arboreal plants (Trees, Bamboos, Shrubs and Woody climbers) belonging to about 100 families, 400 genera and 700 species are growing in the garden. They include many perennials, potted plants, annuals and grasses. About 55% of the plant species in the Garden are exotics, which have been brought from more than 25 countries, majority being from Australia and South America. Some of the important ones are Agathis robusta (Australia), Cupania anacardioides (Australia), Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Brazil), Eucalyptus alba (Australia), Eucalyptus deglupta (Indonesia), Flindersia australis (Australia), Homalium tomentosum (Burma and Malaysia), Joanesia princeps (Brazil), Koelreuteria paniculata (China), Liquidambar formosana (Taiwan), Taxodium mucronatum (Mexico), Liriodendron tulipifera (North America), Tipuana tipu (South America), Acacia confusa (Philippines), Ginkgo biloba (China), Aleurites moluccana (Malaysia), Castanospermum australe (Australia), Bauhinia galpinii (South Africa) etc.
Apart from exotic there are large numbers of valuable indigenous species which contribute a great deal to the plant wealth in the garden, like Gleditsia assamica,Duabanga grandiflora (all from Northeast India). Garden of the institute possess rare, endangered and some spectacular species of forestry and economic value, for example Indopiptadeniaoudhensis, Trachycarpus takil, Tipuana tipu, Eucalyptus deglupta, Dillinea indica, Tectona hamiltoninana, Bauhinia anguina, Elaeocarpus sphaericus, Mesua ferrea, Firmiana colorata, Oroxylum indicum.
The Arboretum
The Arboretum of Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun laid out in 1925 covers an area of about 30 ha at New Forest, Dehra Dun. It is divided into 12 compartments. The trees are grown mostly in group plantings. Except for a few trees of mango and Ficus, the trees, shrubs, climbers and bamboos now available in the live collection were introduced from different nooks and corners of the world. There are 424 plant species in the arboretum of which about 50 % are exotics. The important collections include Betula cylindrostachya, Liriodendron tulipifera, Ginkgo biloba, Ficus krishnae, Bauhinia anguina, Liquidambar formosana, Haematoxylon sp. Salix babylonica, Podocarpus neriifolius, Pterygota alata, Aesculus assamica, Mesua ferrea, Flindersia australis, Eucalypts, Conifers, Bamboos, etc.
The Bambusetum of Forest Research Institute serve a most useful purpose in research and education on bamboo species both indigenous and exotics. It also provides planting and research material to different organizations/ Insttiues/reserachers. The Bambusetum is visited by students of biology, environment, forestry research institutions from different parts of the country and abroad. Bambusetum having collections of 32 species of bamboos.
Mandate of division :
Forest Biodiversity oriented floristic surveys and systematic studies on forest species.
Inventorizing, monitoring and assessing rare, spectacular and threatened phyto-diversity.
Digitization of repository (Herbarium) for web enabling and e-governance.
Scientific management of repositories of the discipline such as Herbarium, Carpological Museum, Botanical Garden and Bambusetum for R & D, educational and extension activities.
Activities :
(All ongoing / completed research projects information in tabular form, name of project, PI name/ designation, project duration, project members name, funding agency, and all other relevant details,) , other duties , services provided by division / office
Name of the Project
PI name & Designation
Project duration
Project members name
Funding agency
Study Area
National Programme for Conservation and Development of Forest Genetic Resources on Creation of Centre of Excellence on Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) of India Component- FGR species Documentation
Team Leader- Dr. Anup, Chandra, Scientist – E
January 2016 – 31 December 2020
Investigators- Ranjana Negi, Scientist – C, Dr. P. K. Verma Scientist – B
MoEF& CC, New Delhi under CAMPA
Molecular characterization of selected Medicinal Plants of Uttarakhand
Ranjana Negi, Scientist – C
R. K. Meena, Scientist- C, Dr. P. K. Verma Scientist – B
ICFRE Funded
Digitization of forest floral wealth of Haryana
Dr. P. K. Verma Scientist – B
25, 2014 to April 24, 2016 (Extended)
Neelesh Yadav, Scientist- D, Dr. Anup Chandra, Scientist – E, Ranjana Negi, Scientist – C
Haryana Forest Department
Completed Project:
Name of the Project
PI name & Designation
Project duration
Project members name
Funding agency
Study Area
Digitization of Herbarium (Dehradun Herbarium) of Forest Research Institute
Ranjana Negi, Scientist-C
Dr. Anup Chandra, Scientist – E
ICFRE Funded
Data Base of DD Herbarium
Study on grasses of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh
Ranjana Negi, Scientist-C
Dr. Anup Chandra, Scientist – E
Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh
Inventorization, characterization and conservation strategies of selected rare and endangered plant species of India
Dr. Anup Chandra, Scientist – E
Ranjana Negi, Scientist-C
ICFRE Funded
Digitization of forest flora of Manipur
Ranjana Negi, Scientist C
24 months (January 2014 to December, 2015)
Ranjana Negi, Scientist C
Manipur Forest Department
Floral Biodiversity Survey in the State of Bihar
Dr. Anup Chandra, Scientist – E
September, 2013 to August, 2016)
Ranjana Negi, Scientist C,Dr. P. K. Verma Scientist – B
Bihar Forest Department
Digitization of Forest flora of Chandigarh
Dr. P. K. Verma Scientist – B
15 Months (April 2015 to June, 2016
Dr. Praveen Kumar Verma, Scientist-B, Botany Division
Chandigarh Administration
Revenue Generation:
Identification of plant species submitted by different stakeholders such as researchers, SFD’s etc.
Supply of bamboo rhizomes to different State Forest Departments and other stakeholders
Plant identification and suggestions for suitable species plantation for different stakeholders
Teaching in Forest Research Institute (Deemed) University
Demonstrations to Herbarium, Botanical garden, Arboretum, and Bambusetum to dignitaries, students, researcher etc.
Organizing Trainings for different stakeholders
Other duties:
Maintenance of Forest Conservatories such as DD Herbarium, Botanical garden, Carpological and Museum
News and events:
All latest workshop, seminar, conference, training , any activity information of division / office
Two days training programme on ‘उत्तराखंडकीदुर्लभपादपप्रजातियोंकासंरक्षण’ organized at Field Research Centre in Khirsu (Pauri Garhwal) on February 22 & 23, 2017 and March 5 &6, 2017. Total 100 nos. of participants participated the training programme. Participants were field staff of Uttarakhand Forest Department and villagers of Khirsu and adjoining area.
Wood Anatomy deals primarily with the structure and classification of wood. By studying the anatomical structure, it is possible not only to determine the correct identity of a timber, but also to assess its quality and suitability for various end uses. It is for this reason, wood anatomy has been considered as the fundamental basis of all timber utilization studies as it explains most of the processing problems. The studies at Wood Anatomy Discipline are aimed at anatomical studies of woods including bamboo, canes etc. with reference to their identification and judicious utilization.
History of wood anatomy discipline Wood Anatomy Discipline was added to the Forest Research Institute at Dehra Dun in 1921 mainly to carry out researches on Wood structure and Identification of Timber and Assessment of Wood quality. It is composed of three excellent laboratories and a fine collection of woods – the xylarium. The first Inspector General of Forest- D.Brandis, who initiated the study of wood. At the request of Brandis, Gamble took up about this time the writing of the “Manual of Indian Timbers”, the first edition of which came out in 1881. He revised the book and the second edition was brought out in 1902 and reprinted in 1922. An American professor H.P. Brown of Syracuse University, New York joined Wood Anatomy in 1923. He worked at this Institute for about 23 months and submitted a plan for future expansion of the laboratory. In 1925 he published a book” An Elementary Manual of Indian Wood Technology”. During Brown’s short stay in India a plan was drawn up by him and R.S. Pearson, the then Forest Economist at this Institute, to write a book on “Commercial Timbers of India”. In 1929 a new chapter in the history of the branch was opened with the joining of KA.Chowdhury for collecting anatomical data for the book, which came out in 1932 in two volumes. In early thirties, Indian Railways were very keen to have a guide book for identification of timber that were used as sleepers in their extensive organization. This resulted in a publication by Chowdhury in1932. Years later a similar request came from the Defense Services, for recognizing the timbers that they were using for various purposes. This book was published by Chowdhury in 1945. During the World War II, a series of leal1ets were also published under the heading “How to Identify Timbers”.Part I of the series dealt with hints on how to identity timbers (Chowdhury, 1942); Part-II timbersf or helves and tool handles (Chowdhury, 1942); Part-III timbers for motor lorry bodies(Chowdhury, 1943); Part-IV timbers for boxes and packing cases (Ghosh, 1943); Part- V timbers for guns and rines parts (Chowdhury, 1943 & Tandon, 1943); Part-VI timbers for camp furniture(Chowdhury, 1943).
Studies on wood anatomical structure of Indian woods:
During the World War II, India was forced to depend on its own timber resources to meet the normal internal demand and also for the defence department. Having been successful in both these respects, the potentiality of timber resources was brought to the forefront. As a result there was considerable activities to develop timber based industries. This resulted in an increasing demand for information on all available timber species of the country. Gamble’s (1922) and Pearson & Brown’s (1932) books became out of date. The best way to meet the situation seemed to be to take up writing of a new reference book on “Indian Woods” in six volumes. The structure of 1430 woody species have been published in 6 volumes under the title ‘Indian woods their identification, properties and uses’( Chawdhury and Ghosh, 1958;Ramesh Rao and Purkayastha, 1972; Purkayastha, 1982 & 1985;Raturi, Chauhan, Gupta & Rao,1999).
Microscopic anatomy of commercial timbers of India and imported timbers
The researches on microscopic anatomy was initiated by H. P.Brown and continued after independence by Chowdhury and others. As a result of these studies publications on structure and identification of important commercial timbers (secondary species, since the structure, properties and uses of the primary woods were well known) were brought out in zone/region wise basis. These publications were also meant to help the local timber users. Work on the different regions/zones have been published (Chowdhury, 1951; Purkayastha et al, 1976; Agrawal and Pande, 1989, 1992; Negi and Raturi, 1992, 1993; Rao et al, 1993; Negi et al, 1995). Besides, wood anatomy of Malay Shorea was also described for identification and utilization point of view (Pande et al., 2007). Moreover, an illustrated account of microscopic structure for 12 genera and 27 species (Chauhan et al, 1996) has been published, covering almost all the Indian softwoods.Structure related studies for wood identification, taxonomic and phylogenic relationships of Indian and exotic wood species.
Development of data base on the basis of wood anatomical feature.
Wood quality evaluation under tree improvement program of important plantation species.
Wood variation related studies.
Dendro-chronological studies
Applied Anatomy
During the World War II period, an Indian substitute for “Lignum vitae” (Guaiacum officinale) a wood from central and south America was found in Acacia chundra for propellor shaft bearing of ships. In another work, methods of distinguishing “Taggar Wood” (Cinnamomum fragrans Bail) an important scented wood from its common substitute were described. These studies also led to the discovery of a new timber species Mansonia dipikae (Lapse) which was not recorded before and lumped together with Pterygota alata in Assam.
Detailed studies of the well known gum yielding trees viz.Sterculia urens, Anogeissus latifolia and Acacia senegal have shown that gum canals or gum cysts are developed as a result of injury. The other species investigated were Boswellia serrata, Shorea robusta and Ficus glomerata.
Studies wood quality assessment on the basis of variations on wood anatomical parameters and specific gravity have been made on Pinus roxburghii, Pinus caribaeaMichelia champaca, Dalbergia sissoo, Eucalyptus teretcornis, Populus deltodes( Purkaystha et al., 1973; 1980;Pande et al., 1995;Chauhan et al., 1999; Pande, 2005; Pande, 2011). Inheritance patterns of wood traits in Populus deltoides was also evaluated (Pande, 2011).
Light and SEM studies on 17 paper making raw materials have revealed that various morphological characters are helpful in identification of different fibres in a pulp sample (Bisen and Chauhan, 1988).
Studies on ancient plant remains carried out at the request of Archaeological Department were of considerable help in throwing light on our past civilization and vegetation changes during the last 4000 years. In this aspect studies were carried out by different workers time to time (Chowdhury, 1951; Chowdhury and Ghosh, 1955; Ghosh, 1953; Ghosh, 1950; Ghosh and Krishna Lal, 1958, 1961. 62, 63; Kajale et al, 1991.
A dedicated specialized computer software (WOOD ANATOMY INFORMATION SYSTEM) has been prepared for computer assisted wood identification (Gupta).
Presently there are about 7000 authentic wood samples of erstwhile India covering over 1400 woody species belonging to 105 families. In addition 10248 samples from foreign countries are also represented. The Xylarium forms the nucleus for all wood anatomical studies, which are supported by thousands of microscopic slides prepared over the years. The dignitaries visiting Xylarium are highly impressed by the unique wood collection and interesting exhibits of archaeological and fossil wood samples.
Mandate of Discipline:
Structure related studies for wood identification, taxonomic and phylogenic relationships of Indian and exotic wood species.
Development of data base on the basis of wood anatomical feature.
Wood quality evaluation under tree improvement program of important plantation species.
Wood variation related studies.
Dendro-chronological studies
Significant achievements:
Significant achievements include studies on structure of Indian Woods, Microscopic anatomy of commercial timbers of India, Applied Anatomy, Resin yielding Studies on Gum and trees, Tension Wood, Silica bodies, Variation in the structure and its relation to growth conditions, Studies on wood quality assessment, Agar wood, Studies on paper making raw materials, Anatomical studies in relation to pulp sheet properties, Identification of bamboo and canes from their anatomy, Electron Microscopic studies, Systematic studies on families and closely allied genera and species, Anatomy of Indian softwoods, Archaeological plant remains and fossil woods, Computer assisted Wood Identification on 1050 hardwood tree species and development of Xylarium. A complete account of microscopic structure for 12 genera and 27 species of Indian softwoods has been published. A landmark study on culm epidermis as an aid to Bamboo identification was published covering almost all Indian Bamboos (Chauhan & Pal, 2004).
Identification of wood and wood products is an important activity of the Wood Anatomy Discipline. Wood samples received from various government, semi government., public undertaking, vigilance, anti-corruption, C.B.I. and also from private parties are identified regularly. Wood identification is now done through “Wood Anatomy Information System” specialized computer software. The above work is carried out by Dr. Sangeeta Gupta, Scientist-G and Dr. P.K. Pande, Scientist-F, with the assistance of all the staff members of Wood Anatomy Discipline and revenue generated for last three years as detailed below:
Revenue (Rs.)
Completed Projects:
Name of project/title
Name of Principal Investigator/Designation
Funding agency
Project duration
Assessment of the performance of different clones of Dalbergia sissoo and Eucalyptus spp. on the basis of wood quality for farm forestry programs.
Dr. P. K. Pande
Identification, taxonomy, properties and uses of different species of Shorea of the Malay Peninsula
Dr. P. K. Pande
Assessment of the wood quality parameters in seed raised plantations of different diameter classes of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.
Dr. P. K. Pande
Wood anatomy of commercial timbers of Assam with notes on their properties and uses.
Dr. P. K. Pande
Inheritance pattern of wood anatomical traits in Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex. Marsh.
Dr. P. K. Pande
Genetic improvement and conservation of genetic resources of some economically more important bamboo species of Northeastern India.
Dr. P. K. Pande
2010 -2011
Assessment of wood properties and growth of the progenies of different clones of Populus deltoides Bartr. ex. Marsh
Dr. P.K. Pande, Scientist-F
2010- 2013
Evaluation and standardization of the methods employed in identity of the medicinal plants employing woods of Himalayan and Sub-Himalayan tract.
Dr. Sangeeta Gupta
Scientist- G, Botany Division
New Delhi
Expert system for Indian woods, their microstructure, identification, properties and uses.
Dr. Sangeeta Gupta
Scientist- G, Botany Division
New Delhi
Revision of Indian Woods – their
Identification, Properties and uses- Volume – II (FRI-445/BOT-63)-ICFRE FUNDED
Dr. Sangeeta Gupta
Scientist- G, Botany Division
Fluorescent studies of Indian Woods.
Dr. Sangeeta Gupta, Scientist-G
Taxonomic and anatomical studies of exotic pinus species.
Dr. Sangeeta Gupta, Scientist-G
Study on wood anatomy of Indian shrubs for the purpose of their identification and efficient utilization
Dr. Sangeeta Gupta, Scientist-G
Evaluation of wood properties and growthperformance of Eucalyptus hybrids raised in multilocation trials.
Dr. P.K. Pande, Scientist-F
On going projects:
Name of project/title
Name of Principal Investigator/Designation
Funding agency
Project duration
AICP for genetic improvement of Melia composita
Dr. P. K. Pande
Nodal Officer
Health and age assessment of the trees of Rastrapati Bhawan, New Delhi.
Dr. P. K. Pande
Rastrapati Bhawan
Education and Training:
Teaching and practical training imparted to IFS Probations, SFS Trainees and Students of M.Sc. (Wood Science and Technology), M.Sc. (Forestry) of F.R.I. University.