Ongoing Projects

S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name & DesignationCo-P.I. Name & DesignationFunding AgencyDate of StartDuration in yearProject Cost
1.Renovation Modernization Of Forest Research Institute Xylarium (DDw) And Establishment Of Demonstration Centre Of Amazing Wood Biodiversity Of IndiaDr. Ashutosh Pathak, Scientist CMr. Dheeraj Kumar, Scientist-C, Dr. Dheerendra Kumar, Senior Technical OfficerCAMPA-MoEF&CC26-07-202331-03-20251,25,00,000
2.Development of taxonomic, anatomic and molecular tools for discriminating economically important plants of selected medicinal plants of Indian Himalayan Region.Dr. Ranjana Negi, Scientist-EDr. Anup Chandra, Scientist- F; Dr. Rajendra Kumar Meena, Scientist-E; Dr. P.K. Verma, Scientist-DICFRE01-04-202331-03-202843,60,000
3.Delineation of Indian Junipers through wood microstructure study.Dheeraj Kumar/ Scientist-CDr. ranjana Negi, Scientist-E, Dr. Ashutosh Pathak, Scientist-C and Dr. Dheerendra Kumar, Senior Technical OfficerICFRE01-04-202331-03-20267,00,000
4.Adaptation trends in conduit system of Anogeissus species,Dr. Ashutosh PathakMr. Dheeraj Kumar, Scientist-BICFRE01-04-202331-03-20264,99,000
5.Wood microstructure studies of family Rosaceae from IndiaDr. Dheerendra KumarDheeraj Kumar, Dr. Ashutosh Pathak, Scientist-B ICFRE01-04-2024
30-09-2026 3,00,000
6.Wood delineation of Calophyllum Linn. Species in India. Dr. Ashutosh Pathak,
Dr. P.K. Verma, Scientist-D ICFRE01-04-2023
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name and DesignationCo-P.I. Name and DesignationFunding AgencyDate of StartDuration in yearProject Cost (Rs. in Lakhs)
1.Bioprospecting for industrial utilization of lesser known forest plantsDr. K. Murali, Scientist-C
Dr. Vikas Rana, Scientist-FCAMPA, MoEF&CCJanuary 2020December 2024 357.12
2.Natural dyes study of Stevia ovata (candy leaf) and Eupatorium adenophorum (Kalo banmara).Dr. Praveen Onial, CTODr. Vineet Kumar, Scientist-G ICFRE01-04-2021
30-09-2024 18.91
3.Phytochemical examination of Eupatorium adenophorumDr. Vineet Kumar
30-09-2024 32.06
4.Chemical and biological exploration of Skimmia laureola essential oil for its industrial utilization Dr. Kondeboina Murali, Scientist-C
1. Dr. V. K. Varshney, Scientist-G
2. Prof. Chitmey Havagiray, Head, Pharmacology Department, DITU, Dehradun.
ICFRE funded 01-10-2023
30-09-2026 22.06
5.Bioprospecting for industrial utilization of invasive weed Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit Dr. V.K. Varshney, Scientist-G & Head
Dr.Sanjay Gupta, Professor & HeadUCB- Biotech Bhawan Haldi, U.S. Nagar 06-05-2022
05-05-2025 10.70
6.Phytochemical, morphological and molecular evaluation of RET medicinal plant Trillium govanianum (Nag chhatri) distributed in Northwestern Himalayan Region for its Conservation and Utilization Dr. S.S. Bisht
Dr R K Meena, Dr P K Verma National Medicinal Plants Board 21-03-2023
31-03-2026 38.54
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name and DesignationCo-P.I. Name and DesignationFunding AgencyDate of StartDuration in yearProject Cost
1.Impact of military firing and other associated activities on flora, fauna and biodiversity of Asan field firing range in Shivalik Forest Division of Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh Sh. N. Bala PC; Dr. Vijender Pal Panwar -PC
Dr. Tara Chand CAMPA01-09-2021
2.Studies on Carrying capacity of Eco-Sensitive Zones (ESZ) of Takhni-Rehmapur and Bir Bhadson Wildlife Sanctuaries, Punjab Dr. Tara Chand, Scientist-E
Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal, Dr Parmanand Kumar Dr Praveen Verma Dr. Abhishek Verma Punjab Forest Department 01-04-2023
3.All India Coordinated Research Project – 31: Study of climate driven effects on Indian forests through long term monitoringShri N. Bala, Scientist-G, NPC

Dr. V.P. Panwar, Scientist-F,PI
Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal, Scientist-F
Dr. Tara Chand, Scientist-E
Dr. Parmanand Kumar, Scientist-D
Dr. Hukum Singh, Scientist-D
Dr. S.K. Komboj, ACTO
Shri Arun Kumar Kandwal,T.O.
Shri Antrix Soni, STA
CAMPAFebruary, 2020

4.Salt stress mitigation in trees by plant growth promotion and soil reclamation using bio-fertlizers in the field conditions in Haryana. Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal,Scientist-F
5.Valuation of forests for GDP, Green GDP and Payment of eco-system goods and services Dr. Tara Chand
Dr. Balaganesh G MOEF 01-01-2020
6.All India Coordinated Research Project-19: Assessment of water requirement of different forest tree species and its impact on subsoil moisture.Shrii N. Bala, NPC

1.Dr Parmanand Kumar, Scientist- D
Dr. Tara Chand, Scientist-E, CAMPA20202020-2024266.32
7.Spatio-temporal variation of fine root production and nutrient dynamics in oak, pine and oak-pine mixed forests in central Himalaya Dr. Abhishek K. Verma, Scientist B
Dr. Tara Chand, Scientist E ICFRE01-05-2023
01-09-2026 39.00
8.All India Coordinated Research Project-22: Preparation of Soil Health Card under different vegetation in all the forest division of India.Dr. V.P. Panwar
Scientists-F, NPC

PI: Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal Scientist-E
-CAMPAFebruary, 20202020-20232027.65
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name and DesignationCo-P.I. Name and DesignationFunding AgencyDuration in yearProject Cost/ Budget
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name and DesignationFunding AgencyDate of StartDuration in yearProject Cost (In Lakhs)
1.Assessment of species Diversity of Heterocera (moths) across the Shiwalik Landscape of Northern India and Development of a Database
Dr. Arun P. Singh,

2.Modernization of National Forest Insect Collection (NFIC)of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, UttarakhandDr. Arvind Kumar/Scientist-FCAMPA05/12/202331/05/202589.50
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name and DesignationCo-P.I. Name and DesignationFunding AgencyDate of StartDuration in yearProject Cost
1.Component of All India Coordinator Research Project on BambooHead
Extension Division
Dr. Charan Singh, Scientist-E
Mr. Rambir Singh Scientist-D,
Vijay Kumar
CAMPA- MoEF &CCApril,20205 year758.62 lakh (FRI), 33.10 lakh (component of Extension Division
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name and DesignationCo-P.I. Name and DesignationFunding AgencyDate of StartDuration in yearProject Cost/ Budget
1Assessment and monitoring of Invasive alien Plant Species in India and formulation of strategies for management of key Invasive alien Plant species in different regions of the countryDr. Manoj Kumar, Scientist-CDr VP. Panwar, Scientist-F
Dr Hukum singh, Scientist-D
2Design and development of decision support system for tree plantation in Punjab Neelesh Yadav, Scientist-E
Department of Forests and Wildlife Preservation, Govt of Punjab01-02-2024
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name & DesignationCo-P.I. Name & DesignationFunding AgencyDate of StartDuration in yearProject Cost/ Budget
1.Study on pulp yielding enhancement and cellulose degradation stabilization through addition of reducing end protectors Dr. P K Gupta
Dr. Vikas Rana ICFRE01-04-2021
30-09-2024 4,48,000
2.Study on the effect of ZiBOC treatment on physical, mechanical, biological and fire-retardant properties of plywood. Mr. Ajmal Samani, Sci-GD.P. Khali, Scientist-G ICFRE01-04-2023
31-03-2026 12,06,000
3.Development of biochar wood composite as low-cost sustainable green technology. Dr. Ranjana Yadav, Scientist-E,
Dr. Mamatha B.S, Sci F ICFRE01-04-2023
31-03-2025 3,00,000
4.Study on impact behaviour of bamboo culms. Rajesh Bhandari, Scientist-F
Ashwath Hegde, Scientist-B Dr. Shikhar Shukla, Sr. Technical Officer ICFRE01-04-2023
31-03-2025 11,55,000
5.Assessment of Indian bamboo species for dissolving grade pulp Dr. Vikas Rana/Scientist-F
31-03-2025 64,50,000
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name and DesignationCo-P.I. Name and DesignationFunding AgencyDate of StartDuration in year/End DateProject Cost/ Budget
1.Exploring Trichoderma species to combat salinity-related desertification.Dr. Shailesh Pandey1. Dr. Santhan Barthwal Scientist G Genetics and Tree Improvement Division 2. Dr. Maneesh Singh Bhandari Scientist E Genetics and Tree Improvement Division 3. Dr. Manoj Kumar Technical Officer Forest Protection DivisionICFRE01/04/202331/03/202627,23,000
2.“Development of Superior Bio-fertilizers for Enhanced Plant Productivity” Dr. Vineet Kumar Scientist-G
Dr. Vipin Parkash
Ms Ranjana Juwantha Scientist-DCAMPAApril 20205 years31,58,000
3.In vitro mass propagation of Angelica glauca Edgew. rootlet biomass for the production of bioactive phytocompound/s using bio-inoculation technology”.Dr. Vineet Kumar Scientist-G
Dr. Vipin Parkash
• Dr. Vineet Kumar Scientist-G
• Dr Ajay Thakur
NMPB, Dept. of AYUSH, New DelhiApril 20193 years26,59,200
4.Providing technical advice for the upkeep and maintenance of Holy BodhivrikshaDr. Shailesh Pandey/Scientist EDr. Santhan Barthwal/Scientist GBTMC01/05/201630/04/202650,00,000
5.All India Coordinated Research Project on Study of climate driven effects on Indian forests through long term monitoring (Component: Mycological Aspects)Dr. Amit Pandey Scientist-G Component Coordinator • Dr. Vipin Parkash Scientist-F
• Dr. Shailesh Pandey
CAMPAJanuary 202010 years248,18,000
6.All India Coordinated Research project on Bamboo. Component 4b: Management of insect and diseases of bamboo in nursery, plantation and storage Ms Ranjana Juwantha Scientist-D• Dr Amit Pandey Scientist-G
• Dr. Vipin Parkash Scientist-F
• Dr. Shailesh Pandey Scientist-E
CAMPAJanuary 20205 years38,40,000
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name and DesignationCo-P.I. Name and DesignationFunding AgencyDate of StartDuration in yearProject Cost
1.Carbon sequestration and Carbon dioxide emission from the Soils under different forest covers in Uttarakhand.Dr. V. P. Panwar,

Head & Scientist-F

1. Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal, Scientist-E
2. Dr. B. M. Dimri, Scientist-D
ICFRE-PlanApril,2017-March, 2021 - -
2.Effect of altitude and seasons on soil respiration, bacterial communities and enzyme activities in Uttarakhand.Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal, Scientist-EDr. B. M. Dimri, Scientist-DDepartment of Science & Technology (DST)Nov, 2015- Nov., 2018 - -
3.Soil nutrient pool and microbial studies under different forest types in Uttarakhand Himalayas for sustainable management.Dr. B.M. Dimri,  Scientist-D1. Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal, Scientist-E
2. Dr. V. P. Panwar,
Head & Scientist-F

GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment & Sustainable Development


April,2017-March, 2020 - -
4.Post fires impact on Soil properties and microorganisms in Chirpine and Oak forests of Uttarakhand .Dr. B.M. Dimri,  Scientist-D1. Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal, Scientist-E
2. Dr. V. P. Panwar,
Head & Scientist-F
ICFRE-PlanJanuary, 2017-Decmber, 2020 - -
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name and DesignationCo-P.I. Name and DesignationFunding AgencyDate of StartDuration in yearProject Cost (Rs. in Lakhs)
1.Genetic modification of Populus deltoides clone(s) against Lepidopteran pest(s)Dr Shambhavi Yadav Sci CDr Ajay Thakur, Scientist G; Dr Santan Barthwal, Sci G; Dr Arvind Kumar, Sci FICFRE01/06/202031/03/202544.50
2.AICRP on Development of Package of practices on Gmelina arborea Roxb. (Khamer or Gamhar) in selected agroclimatic regions of IndiaDr. Nanita Berry, Scientist-EDr. Ashok Kumar Scientist G, Dr. G. R.S. Reddy, Scientist G, Dr. Sudhir Singh, Scientist G, Dr. Fatima Shirin, Scientist F, Dr. Anil Sethy, Scientist E, Dr. Aditya Kumar, Scientist D, Dr. A. Mayavel, Scientist D, Dr. Manish Singh, Scientist D and Mr. M. B. Honnuri, Scientist CCompensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority Chhattisgarh State Forest Department.10/01/202030/12/202551.82
3.AICRP on Testing and deployment of clones and seed sources of Casuarina for different planting environments and end-use applicationsDr. Ashok Kumar Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority Chhattisgarh State Forest Department. 01/12/201931/12/202456.82
4.Association mapping of quantitative disease resistance and identification of candidate wilt resistant genes in Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.Dr.R K MeenaDr. Santan Barthwal, Scientist G, Dr. Shailesh Pandey, Scientist E, Dr. Rama Kant, Scientist E ICFRE01/04/202031/03/202573.32
5.AICRP-4 Genetic improvement of Eucalyptus Component 1:Selection of superior Eucalyptus clones (All India MLT)Dr. Santan Barthwal, Scientist-G Dr. M.S. Bhandari, Scientist-E CGMFP , CAMPA01/04/202031/03/2025
6.All India Coordinated Research Project on Dalbergia sissoo Dr. Ajay Thakur, Scientist-G Dr. R.K. Meena Scientist-E, Dr. Shailesh Pandey, Scientist E CAMPA01/04/202031/03/2025654.00
7.Centre of excellence for multiplication of quality planting stock of selected tree species for Indian pulp and paper industry funded by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, New Delhi in coordination with Central Pulp and Paper Research Institute, SaharanpurDr. Ashok Kumar, Scientist GDr. Rama Kant Scientist E, Dr. Geeta Joshi Scientist G, Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma Scientist B, Dr. Priti S. Lal Scientist E, Dr. Kawaljeet Singh Scientist F Dr. Rambir Singh Scientist D, Dr. Shivani Dobhal Assistant Professor, Dr. Shailendra Kumar Scientist D, Er. Rajesh Bhandari Scientist F, Dr. Shikhar Shukla Technical Officer 08/12/2021
8.Estimation of Green House Gas Emission Budget and Productivity Response in Ganga River Basin affecting Microclimate in Indian Subcontinent (DST)Dr. Hukum Singh, Scientist-D, Dr. Pooja Kaushik, Woman Scientist DST / WOS-A01/04/202331/03/2026
9.GENETIC IMPROVEMENTS OF AZADIRACHTA INDICA TO DEVELOP DWARF GENOTYPES AND NEEM PRODUCTS WITH ENRICHED ACTIVE CONSTITUENTSDr. Ashok Kumar, Scientist GDr. Rama Kant, Scientist D, Dr. Ajay Thakur, Scientist F, Dr. Surendra Singh Bisht, Scientist D Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO)149.99
10.Genetic Characterization, Improvement and Diversified Utilization of Poplars ( Dr Dinesh Kumar, Scientist G (NPC) 1. Dr. Ajay Thakur, Scientist F, FRI 2. Dr Jagdish Singh, Scientist-G, HFRI 3. Dr Aditya Kumar, Scientist D, IFP 4. Dr. Karma Gyalpo Bhutia, Scientist B, RFRI Dr Anita Tomar, Scientist F, FRC-ER Prayagraj, Dr. Shambhavi Yadav, Scientist-C, Dr. Shruti Godara, Scientist-C, Dr. Balkrishna Tiwari, Dr Vinod K. Kairon, Dr. Shailesh Pandey Scientist E CAMPA19/01/202018/01/2025288.60
11.Study on Impact of Future Climate Change Scenario on Forest Fire Vulnerability Dr. Hukum Singh, Scientist-D MoEF&CC 01/04/202331/03/2026
12.Development of conservation strategies for effective utilization of a high value commercial medicinal herb Jurinea macrocephala in western Himalaya Dr. Ajay Thakur, Scientist-G Jahnavi Mishra Rawat DST-SERB16/10/202218.30
13.Domestication, genetic characterization, improvement and diversified utilization of poplars Dr. Ajay Thakur, Scientist-G Dr. Arvind Kumar, Dr. Shailesh Pandey CAMPA20/02/202031/12/202484.34
14.Establishment of small bamboo nursery at Khirsu Dr. Santan Barthwal, Sci-G NBM01/01/201910.00
15.Bamboo Plantation in Agro Forestry and Urban Ecosystem Dr. Santan Barthwal, Sci-G NBM01/04/20204.00
16.All India Coordinated Research Project On Combating desertification by enhancing vegetation cover and people livelihoods in degraded drylands and deserts of India Maneesh Singh Bhandari Dr. Parmanand and Dr. Santan Barthwal MoEF&CC 103.85
17.Spatial Niche Modelling and Genetic Diversity analysis of Desmodium gangeticum: An Important Medicinal Species of Shivalik Himalayas Maneesh Singh Bhandari National Medicinal Plant Board (NMPB) 25/05/202331/03/202624.67
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name and DesignationCo-P.I. Name and DesignationFunding AgencyDate of StartDuration in yearProject Cost
1.Sustainable management NTFP’s through conservation and value additionSmt Neelu Singh (Scientist- G)
Dr. B.P. Tamta (Scientist-F)

Head and Scientist-F
Dr. Mala Rathor (Scientist-F)AICRP

February 2020 5 Year93.67
2.Develop Germplasm Repository of Endangered Medicinal tree Oroxylum Indicum (Shyonak)Dr. B.P Tamta (Scientist-F)

Head and Scientist-F
-NMPB Ministry of AYUSH
January 2020 5 Year 2836700
3.Conservation & Sustainable management of Wild Edible Fruiting SpeciesDr. Mala Rathor (Scientist-F)Dr. Nawa Bahar (Scientist-E)AICRP

February 2020  5 Year 62.92
4.Enhancement of fodder availability & quality to reduce unsustainable grazing in the forestDr. Mala Rathor (Scientist-F)Dr. Nawa Bahar (Scientist-E)AICRPFebruary 20205 Year68.87
S.No.Title of ProjectP.I. Name and DesignationCo-P.I. Name and DesignationFunding Agency Date of StartDuration in yearProject Cost/ Budget
1.Forest as Safety Net for the Forest Dependent People: Evidences from Livelihood Vulnerability Assessment in Nanda Devi Biosphere ReserveDr. Balaganesh G, Scientist-C, ICFRE-FRI Sh. Sambuddha Majumder, IFS, DCF, ICFRE-FRI ICFRE03/05/202331/05/202511.96
2.Study on Demand and Supply Status of Wood in Uttarakhand Dr. Balaganesh G, Scientist-C, ICFRE-FRI Sh. Muthuprasad T, Scientist-B, ICFRE and Sh. Mohit Husain, Scientist-B, ICFRE-FRI Uttarakhand Forest Department. 22/12/202230/09/202415.78
3.AICRP on Fodder Enhancement of Fodder Availability and Quality to reduce Unsustainable grazing in the ForestDr. Mala Rathore Scientist-F (PI)Sh Pravin Rawat, Scientist B, ICFRE-HFRI Dr Ruby Kujur, Scientist B, ICFRE-IFP Dr. Suraj, Scientist B, ICFRE-IFB Dr Vinod K. Kairon, Scientist B, SFM Division, ICFRE-FRI CAMPA-MoEFCCFebruary, 2020568.87
4.Study on Marketing Mechanism of Agroforestry Produce in Punjab Dr. Balaganesh G, Scientist-C, ICFRE-FRI Punjab Forest Department 25/03/202231/12/202415.93
5.Preparation of Working plan of NCT Delhi AS(G) Mohit Husain, Scientist-C State Forest Department20/05/202115/03/202478.00
6.Develop Germplasm Repository of Endangered Medicinal tree Oroxylum Indicum (Shyonak) Dr. B. P. Tamta, Sci- F NMPB12/01/202017/03/202528.36
7.Conservation and Sustainable Management of Wild Edible Fruiting Species . Dr. Mala Rathore, Sci F Dr. PK Verma, Scientist C CAMPA62.92
8.Selection of Superior Germplasm of Stereospermum chelonoides (L.f.) DC. (Patala ) in the forest of Uttarakhand and standardization of its nursery technique. Dr. B. P. Tamta, Sci- F Dr. V.K. Varshney, Sci -G ICFRE
9.AICRP-29 Sustainable management of NTFPs through conservation and value addition. L R LAKSHMIKANTA PANDA, Scientist C Dr Mala Rathore, Scientist F CAMPA01/02/202031/01/202593.66
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