परिक्षण सेवाएं

परिक्षण सेवाएं

A.    Commercial seasoning of wood

For any further information on seasoning services, please contact: upretink@icfre.org; kumarsro@icfre.org

Category Species Moisture (%) Thickness of timber and Per Cubic meter charges in Rs.
 > 2 cm 2 – 3 cm 3 – 5 cm 5 – 7 cm 7 – 9 cm 9 – 11 cm 11 – 14 cm 14 – 15 cm
 A  Sal, Asna, Jamun,   Silver Oak,   Walnut,  Kusum, Oak, Eucalyptus > 25 % 1650 1900 2320 2520 2850 3500 4160 4810
< 25 % 1410 1610 1760 2320 2520 2850 3510 4160
 B  Sissoo, Teak, Haldu, Deodar, Birch, Toon, Kikar, Siris, Champak, Bottle brush, Holock > 25 % 1410 1700 2120 2320 2520 2850 3510 4160
< 25 % 1300 1500 1700 2120 2320 2520 2850 3510
 C Mango, Kanju, Kuyhan, Chir, Poplar > 25 % 1210 1410 1700 2120 2320 2520 2850 3510
< 25 % 1150 1250 1410 1700 2120 2320 2520 2850
 D Semul, Fir, spruce > 25 % 1090 1210 1410 1700 2120 2320 2520 2850
< 25 % 1040 1150 1250 1410 1700 2120 2320 2520


B.     Physical and mechanical tests

For any further information on mechanical/physical testing, please contact: dubeyym@icfre.org

 Sl. No Name of the Test Rate
 1. Physical test e.g Moisture content specific gravity, weight, water absorption, swelling etc. of wood and wood products. Rs. 2,200/- per specimen/test
 2. Mechanical test e.g Bending compression, Tension, Hardness, Shear, Nail withdrawal resistance, screw withdrawal resistance etc of wood and wood products. Rs. 2750/- per specimen/test
 3. Panel door shutter/ window and ventilator shutter as per IS: 1003 & TADS (excluding identification, checking of chemical treatment, moisture content etc.) Rs. 22,000/- per door shutter
 4. Flush door Shutter as per IS: 2202 and IS: 2191 Rs. 22000/- per door shutter
 5. Door shutter Methods of test as per IS: 4020 (Pt-1 to 16) Rs. 22000/- per door shutter
 6. Single test as per IS: 4020 (Pt- 1 to 16) Rs.3300/- per test
 7. Testing of LVL door shutter as per TADS: 15 (excluding identification/ Moisture content.) Rs. 33000/- per  door shutter
 8. Supplying of data on Physical and Mechanical properties of wood, suitability indices, safe working stress or strength coefficient Rs. 8250/- per  wood species
 9. Supplying single physical or mechanical property data i.e specific gravity, modulus of rupture etc. Rs. 550/- per  property per species

C.   Preservation tests and preservative treatment

For any further information on preservative testing/treatment, please contact:  samania@icfre.org ; nangm@icfre.org

 Sl. No. Name of the Test Rate (Rs.)
 1 Determination of penetration and retention of preservative in the treated wood 11,000/-per sample
 2 Testing of preservative in plywood/fire retardants 13,200/- per sample/test
 3 Toxicity/performance screening test by Agar method 11,000/- wood/fungus
 4 Laboratory test against fungus bottle block bioassays 22,000/- wood/fungus
 5 Preservative treatment.  70/- per cft + chemical charges


D.   Plywood and panel products

For any further information on panel product/adhesive testing, please contact: khalidp@icfre.org ; ismita@icfre.org

Sl. No. Name of the Test Rate
 1 Plywood as per IS:303, IS:710, IS:4990 etc. (Moisture, glue shear strength in three conditions and tensile strength) other than preservative test Rs.6,000/- per sample
 2. Block board as per IS:1659 Rs. 6,000/- per sample
 3. Particle board (plain, veneered and laminated), fibreboard, insulation board, MDF board etc as per relevant standard (excluding thermal conductivity, dielectric constant, sound absorption etc.) Rs.6000/- per sample
 4. Testing of Wood adhesive

a)      Performance of UF, PF, Polyvinyl acetate adhesive

b)      Purity of phenol/formalin


a)      Rs.  7000/- per sample

b)      Rs. 3000/- per sample


GST at 18% will be extra on the above-mentioned fees

The testing fees may be sent by Demand draft drawn in favour of “Director, Forest Research Institute” payable at “Dehradun”. The samples (with suitable identification numbers) for testing and the DD may be sent to Head, Forest Products Division, P.O. New Forest, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun 248 006 Uttarakhand State

All general enquiries may be sent to head_fp@icfre.org


Trainings Services Offered (on payment basis)

Name of Course Bank details for Electronic payment
 1 Classification and Grading of Timber

Course Director: Mr. S.D. Sharma, ACTO, sharmasd@icfre.org

Union Bank of India, FRI Branch, Dehradun


Account Name: DDO FRI Short Term Training Course, DFPR


Account No. 496901010014024


IFSC Code:









 2 Reducing wastage in dimensioned lumber through Finger jointing

CourseDirector:Dr.Sachin Gupta

e.mail: sachin@icfre.org

 3 Plywood Manufacture

Course Director: Sh. D.P. Khali, Scientist-F,  khalidp@icfre.org

 4 Wood and Bamboo Preservative and its Utilization

Course Director:

Dr.Sadhna Tripathi, Scientist-G,

e.mail: tripathis@icfre.org

 5 Wood Seasoning

Course Director: Dr. N.K. Upreti, Scientist-G, upretink@icfre.org

 6 Basic wood processing techniques for quality handicrafts production

Course Director: Mr. Shailendra Kumar, Scientist-C, kumarsro@icfre.org

General enquiries: head_fp@icfre.org

Course fee: Rs.10,000/= per candidate for Indian national all inclusive (including boarding and lodging charges). Institutional charges @20% on course fees will be charged extra for each course. Minimum number of participants for each course must be 10 (ten). The nominations should reach us 30 days in advance to the actual course dates so facilitate necessary arrangements. The exact dates of each training will appear on our website shortly.


In addition, the Division also conducts tailor made courses on cooling tower timber, pallets and packing cases, railway sleepers, bamboo utilization, handicraft and Wood Science and Technology


We also provide consultancy services on various aspects on wood utilization/wood processing

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